"Present!" she said, trying to catch her breath as she opened the door.

Mrs. Bustier gave her a look as she walked to her seat, but Adrien smiled at her as she walked by which totally made up for it. 

Alya looked excited to see her and quickly propped a book up on the desk, creating a barrier between them and the rest of the classroom so that she could scold her before giving her the good news.

"Girl, where were you? You were almost late again. That would have been the third time this week," she said with a playful scowl.

Marinette looked down, sighing. "I woke up late... again."

Alya shook her head and leaned in closer behind the book. "You really gotta work on that," Alya said before excitedly telling Marinette what happened earlier.

"I happen to know that Adrien was looking around the classroom frantically earlier, though. I think he was looking for you." She wiggled her eyebrows and Marinette's cheeks turned a little pink.

"Alya, Marinette, please put the book down and pay attention in my classroom," said Mrs. Bustier from the front of the classroom.

"Yes ma'am," Alya said as she sat the book down to reveal the teacher's frustrated scowl. She turned and winked at Marinette which made her cheeks go red again just as she was starting to calm down.

"So, now that everyone is paying attention," Mme Bustier eyed the two friends. "I would like to see everyone's homework from last night."

Marinette groaned and put her head in her hands.

"No way," whispered Alya as she reached into her backpack. "You forgot your homework today too?"

"What do you think?" she said, fighting the urge to bang her head on the table. 

Alya shook her head and got up to hand in her homework while Marinette stayed seated, mad at Chat Noir for disrupting her work, even though she had already been asleep when he visited last night.

She wondered what she'd tell him about Ladybug's gift when all of a sudden, a huge boom was heard from somewhere in the city.
Really?! As if I didn't already have enough to worry about. Marinette thought, annoyed.

"Mrs. Bustier!" Adrien and Marinette said in unison as both their hands shot up. 

Marinette blushed and Adrien chuckled, asking to go to the bathroom, to which Mrs. Bustier replied with a friendly, "Oh, of course Adrien."

"I need to go to my locker, I think I left my book in there," Marinette said after Adrien had left for the bathroom. 

"Hurry, Marinette." 

She quickly picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder as she stood. Alya grabbed her arm as she moved to leave. 

"But Marinette! You'll miss out on all the action like you always do," she said to her friend with a pout, staring at her with pleading eyes. 

"Sorry, but I'm already getting bad grades because of my tardiness this week. I have to go get my book. I'll see it next time," she said, sighing again.

Alya frowned, letting go, and Marinette walked out of the room quickly. Once she was out of sight, she sprinted towards the bathroom, running into someone on the way. 

"Sorry," she mumbled, and looked up to see Chat Noir, just as surprised to see her.
"Hey there princess. Are you okay?" he asked, smirking. 

"Just fine," she responded calmly and kept walking, leaving a confused Chat behind her. How'd he even manage to get here before me? She wondered as she walked.

"Wait, where are you headed? I could escort you there to make sure you stay safe if you'd like." Chat said, racing to catch up with her.

Marinette turned around to look at him and saw Chat Noir standing tall, feeling heroic or something.

"No no, it's just up here. I just get nervous around danger so I always go find a place to stay until it's over," she said, acting a little scared. 

"Oh Marinette, do you have no faith in me and Ladybug?" He asked with mock betrayal.

She wanted to face palm right then but held back for her identities sake.

"No, it's really fine," she said, brushing him off as she walked away again. "I know you two will take care of it, I just don't really like seeing violence."

He nodded, seeming to understand and ran down the hallway toward the stairs. See you in a second, she thought as she made her way to the end of the long hallway.

She turned the corner and dashed into the girls bathroom, checking to see if anyone is there and quickly opening her purse. 

"Tikki! Transform me!"

After a few seconds she burst out of the bathroom and bolted toward the stairs that would lead her to the roof. She made it to the top and looked around for where the loud boom had come from. She heard another rumble from somewhere to the left and took off in that direction, swinging around with her yo-yo. 

Chat saw her atop the school roof and jumped over to her side, following closely behind her as they made their way to the Akuma.

A cloud of smoke could be seen in the distance for a few seconds when they leapt over the buildings. It was near the Eiffel Tower. 

"Gosh," commented Ladybug. "How many times are they gonna destroy the Eiffel Tower before we just give up on it?"

"Yeah, I find it pawsitively annoying," Chat chuckled.

Ladybug groaned at the pun as they got closer to the tower, and strangely enough, there was no one around that seemed to be dangerous. 

"Huh, what was making all that noise earlier?" She looked around, searching for something to give her a clue to where the noise came from.

"Ladybug! Over there!"

Her attention was drawn to the ground as she saw lieutenant Roger pointing towards a large crack in the cement which seemed to be caused by a huge metal beam that had fallen. A large section of support beams had been removed from the tower as well and seemed to have fallen on the street, which most likely caused the loud thud earlier. 

Was it... melted? Ladybug wondered in disbelief as she inspected the fallen structure.

"Woah, we'll have to be careful with this one, Chat Noir. It looks like they deal with acids or something hot enough to melt metal," said ladybug, and he nodded her way.

"I'm practically burning with excitement," he remarked, laughing to himself. Ladybug rolled her eyes and looked around for the Akuma again.



Hello, I know this is somewhat of a cliffhanger and all, but I'm trying to keep all of the chapters like 1,000 or so words or something like that... Maybe.
I actually have a few boring classes at school so I'm just going to write this during those times. I'll probably go back and fix stuff too soooo... Yep :P

ALSO*** for those reading this for the first time, if you see mistakes it's because my editor and I are trying to change everything back to past tense, because my idiot self wrote this story in present tense, which became extremely annoying to do. Now we are changing it all back, so bear with me. The next chapter has not been updated yet and therefore is still in present tense, so I'm sorry if this causes confusion :/

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