"You don't have to."

"But we do." Andy said with a smile.

Bella began screaming, making me jump a little from the sudden out burst. She didn't drop a toy, so she's either hungry, tired, or has a dirty diaper.

"Your turn." I said to Marco.

"Thanks." He said, getting up and getting Bella. "You don't have a dirty diaper Bells, and it's not late enough for you to go to sleep. Want some food?"

"They've already eaten twice today."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Just play with her I guess."

Marco sighed and came to sit down on the floor in front of us. Bella still screamed at the top of her lungs. Marco tried bouncing her on his knee and giving her toys, but she wasn't happy.

"Just put her to bed. If she cries, I'll get her in the morning." I said.

It came time for us to go to bed and I put Jason down to sleep. Bella would surely wake up early, which sucks for me. I put my pajamas on and climbed into bed, wanting to get as much sleep as possible. I was asleep before Marco was even in the bed.

I woke up to the sound of Bella's voice coming through the baby monitor. I slowly sat up and took a breath. I looked at my clock and saw it was 4:00. I sighed and got up, heading for the nursery. I felt a draft when I walked into the room and rubbed my arms. I found the window and closed it. I don't remembering opening the window. Maybe Marco opened it and forgot about it.

I walked over to a lamp and turned it on, not wanting the bright light to hurt my eyes. I turned to go to Bella's crib and saw a man wearing dark clothes. He wore a mask that only showed his eyes, keeping his identity secret. He was reaching into Bella's crib I let out a scream. The man quickly grabbed me, clamping a hand over my mouth to silence me.

"Shhhh." He whispered in my ear. He reached over and turned the lamp off, making the room dark again.

"Bailey what's going on?" I heard my dad ask urgently, turning on the light in the nursery. My mom stood beside him and terror filled her face when she saw the situation.

"Don't move!" The man shouted holding out a gun I hadn't noticed he had. Marco, Andy and Ms. Ramirez showed up at the door.

"No one is moving." My dad said, holding up his hands. The man held the gun to my head and I stiffened. Tears escaped my eyes. "Now, you're all going to let me walk out of here. You're not going to report me or I'll come back and kill all of you. I want you to lead me out." He said to me.

I began walking. The man still had his hand clamped around my mouth and the gun held up to everyone else. My mom and Ms. Ramirez were the only ones who looked scared. Of course I was scared too, but Marco and Andy looked as though they were plotting something.

The man practically pushed me down the steps, almost causing me to fall. The man let me go once we were down the steps. He ran to the door and opened it, disappearing into the cold. I jumped when Marco and Andy shot past me, running out the door after the man.

"Marco! Andy!" I yelled. I wanted to run after them, but I was too afraid to move.

"Marco, Andy!" Ms. Ramirez yelled, running down the stairs. She was about to run out the door after them when we heard a gunshot eco through the neighborhood. Everyone paused for a moment. "Marco, Andy!" Ms. Ramirez yelled, more frantic than before. She ran out the door.

Things became quiet and my mom wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my shoulders.

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

I Fell For A Gang Member [2]Where stories live. Discover now