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The end of the world in movies always shows burning buildings and riots. Chaos in general. But this was different, this end of the world didn't have your typical zombies or aliens or even a disease that wiped out the majority of the population. My end of the world was so much more different.

We run. That's all we ever do. We run from the sky that we once thought was safe but now possess the power to wipe out the entire human race.

It came out of nowhere and burned everyone who was exposed. The rain was acid, and it was the hardest thing to run from. I know I'm going to lose people, that's inevitable. I know that I may even die myself but I don't know how much horror and pain I can witness and still be the same person. Am I supposed to change?

There's so much you have yet to see.

We were exposed to it all. We had no one. We were completely unprotected.


Hey guys! This is my very first book on Wattpad. It is an idea that I have been thinking about for long time and finally pushed myself to write it. All the characters are my own.

Please be patient with me, I'm not the best writer and this book has not been completely edited. If you have any criticism or any ways I can improve the story, please feel free to comment. I don't take it to heart, I am willing to meet your needs.

I do not speak French, however, I did take it in school so if the chapter titles are incorrect please tell me so I can change them.

This is only the first book in 'The Rain' series, I do not know how many there will be but I do have many ideas that will take me much further into the series. Please read, vote and comment but most of all enjoy.

The Rain (Book 1 - The Unprotected)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ