Chapter 1: Snipe Hunt

Start from the beginning

"If you say so. Where they at?"

"One is near the edge of the yard, the other just past this track." Daryl pointed to the train behind Sam. "I'll check the one at the end of the yard, then head back to your location."

"Got it." Sam wasted no time squeezing through an opening between a couple of fuel cars and found her target, a large blue and yellow train attached to yet another long string of freight cars. After a quick but thorough inspection of the engine, including a brief explanation to the conductor inside, Sam started surveying the rest of the vehicle.

She pulled on every door to confirm it was locked and investigated any open boxcars. Reaching the end of the train, she briefly checked under the last car, then climbed on top of it for a better view. Scanning the area, all she found was more old freight cars as far as the eye could see, their faded graffiti tags the only sign that anyone had ever had any interest in them.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity," Sam mumbled to herself. "You're gonna love being a superhero." A blaring train whistle sounded and the car Sam was standing on started to move. "Still beats driving a cab, I guess."

Sam moved to the edge of the car and hopped down. As the woman approached the next train, a sharp clanking sounded from behind. Looking over her shoulder, Sam saw what looked like a shadow move past one of the open boxcar doors. She turned to check the train in front of her, only to turn back towards the open car behind her.

"Eh, why not?" Sam spun around and raced to the boxcar as it slowly moved away with the rest of the train. Leaping aboard, Sam removed a flashlight from her belt and investigated the area. The car was empty, just like every car she had checked. She sighed, then made one last sweep with her light.

Having found nothing, Sam turned off her light. She moved to the door, ready to jump off, but stopped when she heard a faint scratching sound. An uneasy feeling crept over Sam as she heard another, louder scratching, this time right above her. Whatever was making it was very close.

Sam aimed her flashlight up at the ceiling and reluctantly switched it on. The light revealed something wearing a cloak somehow pressed flat against the ceiling of the boxcar. Looking closely, Sam noticed whatever this was had dug into the metal roof with long, black claws on the end of its fingers and toes.

"Oh my God." The outburst caused the creature to suddenly jerk its head, bringing a pair of eerie orange eyes down upon the terrified woman looking at it. Sam instinctively shifted backwards, reaching for her taser as the creature let go of the ceiling. Sam took aim and pulled the trigger just as the creature pounced. A pair of taser prongs narrowly flew past the creature as it leapt through the open door.

"Shit!" A loud banging from above signaled the creature was moving on top of the boxcar. Sam quickly headed to the door and found the train was moving much faster now. Looking up, Sam wasn't sure if she could follow the creature to the top of the train.

"This would be a helluva lot easier if I could fly," mumbled Sam. "Wait a minute." Sam removed a flare gun from her belt and aimed it out the door. "Hope he sees this." Sam pulled the trigger, sending a flare streaking into the sky. After holstering her flare gun, Sam reloaded her taser.

Looking up at the top of the boxcar, Sam realized it was too high for her to jump. Searching for anything she could use as a step, Sam found the edge of the door had a spot for a lock. Carefully she planted her foot on the piece of metal, then tried to push herself up while clinging to the side of the door.

"What are you doing?" Startled by hearing someone's voice in her ear, Sam lost her footing and felt herself being pulled to the ground, but it never seemed to reach her. "I've got you." Sam looked down to see she was floating above the area. Turning her head she found Daryl beside her, his arm wrapped around her waist.

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