Chapter 3

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Faith POV: Mom is coming with me today to help me pick out a prom dress. I'm so excited for prom, it's going to be perfect! "Are you ready to go Faith?" My mom asked. "Yep let's go!" I said. We didn't have much luck at the first couple of stores, but I finally found the perfect dress. Mom and I decided to stop at this little diner downtown to get some lunch. "I have something I need to talk to you about." Mom said. I don't like the sound of this. "Your dad got a call from work yesterday while you were at school. They are merging the Louisiana factory and the Mississippi factory." She said. "So what does that mean? More people will be moving here to work in the factory?" I asked. "Not exactly, after graduation we will have to move to Mississippi." She said. My heart dropped. I ran out of the diner and to the car. Mom layed down the money for the food and followed me. "Faith, I'm sorry. I know you love this town and the people here. And if we could stay here we would, but it's just not possible. Your dad needs this job." She said. She doesn't understand, I could care less about this town and most of the people in it. Tim is what I cared about. I don't want to leave him. I can't leave him.

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