Chapter 9 The Question

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Luna pov
"So what time is Laurence, Garroth, and Angela coming?" I asked Celestia. " Around noon." Celestia said." What are you making over there, sis?" I asked." I am making chicken Alfredo why." Celestia said. " I was just wondering."I said. Well I can't wait to see Laurence because I have something important to ask him."Why are you excited for Laurence to come in particular?" Celestia asked me." Because I want to a-ask h-him t-to b-be m-my b-boy f-friend. Do you think he will say yes?"I asked my sister." Of course he will he likes you but does not know how to approach you. But if you approach him, he has to say yes." Celestia said to me." You really think so." I said thinking she might be wrong." Of course I think so." Celestia said joyfully. Of course she would giggle like a fangirl seeing her ship sale. I don't like it when she does that." Ok Celestia, you can calm down now. Celestia please calm down before you wake up Kawaii~Chan and Cadenza. Why are you acting like Kawaii~Chan, please be a little quieter." I said to Celestia." Ok, ok I am ok now also is it ok if I invite Travis?" Celestia asked.

A/N hey guys I hope are enjoying my first Fanfiction also if you have ideas for my next chapter please leave me a comment below or NAW. No really please leave a comment for the next chapter.

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