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Three Years Later

Tyler had his feet under Troye's thigh. Even though he was wearing socks, his feet were freezing. Troye didn't seem to care as he continued to do who knows what on his laptop. Tyler held his mug of tea close to him.

"¿Qué estás haciendo?" Tyler said, a bit hesitant. Since they had been rescued by Spain all those years ago, he had learned some Spanish.

Since the rescue from the U.K., all the survivors had stayed in the country from which they had been rescued from. It was actually a law for them that they stay in the country for five years, just to be sure that no one carried the virus out. The law was also supposed to allow some time for other countries to go in and clean up the U.K. so that people can return and live there. That part didn't really apply to Troye or Tyler, seeing how they wanted to return to America. Still, they had stayed in Spain. It wasn't a bad place at all just odd that he had been thrown into a foreign country with only knowing the language thanks to the bit he learned from Dora the Explorer. Thankfully some of the residents help teach the survivors Spanish.

"Well firstly, it's nice to see your Spanish is improving. You've got a cute little accent now. And secondly, I'm trying to get a video I made up. It's sort of a memorial for them since its been three years now."

Tyler felt cold, colder than he was.

Three years ago they had lost Dan Howell and Phil Lester to the zombie apocalypse. Tyler had tried to forget most of the details involved in that, but some times he had nightmares of watching Phil on that dock, taking a gun...

Tyler gave a shaky sigh and set his mug on the ground, taking his feet out from under Troye's thighs, and cuddled up to his boyfriend to watch him. He watched as he mashed different pieces if videos together, videos from the beginning and to the end, before the zombies came.

When Troye finished, he allowed Tyler to watch. Tyler knew he was going to cry. He didn't know he was going to sob.

"Hey guys!"

"Hello internet!"

"I'm here with Dan-"

"I'm here with Phil-"

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a...."


"I knew you were going to say that!"

"Don't worry, I'll censor it out."

"But I still heard it!"

" Life's too short to waste any time being unhappy. Don't care what other people think, you decide who you want to be and do what you want with your life."

" Be yourself. Don't worry about what other people are thinking of you, because they're probably feeling the same kind of scared, horrible feelings that everyone does."

Between each of the quotes, which were many more, was a funny clip between them. One was Dan falling out of his chair. Another was Phil blowing into the moose butt. Troye had gotten clips from their Sim videos. There was a small bit from where they were in Japan and making their book, with Dan laying on the floor and Phil just scrolling on Tumblr. He had added some of the best parts from the Just Dance video. And then, towards the end, side by side was Dan's first video and Phil's first video playing. Tyler sobbed at that, to see the two of them so young and not even roommates yet. The next clip was the last video they did together, smiling and laughing as always. They looked so pure and wonderful. And last minute and a half was Troye talking.

"So, I'm going to get to the point quickly because it's... it's hard to talk about this.

"Three years ago, during the apocalypse in the U.K., we lost two of the most amazing men; Daniel James Howell and Philip Michael Lester. Or, as many know them, danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. These two were everything to each other, so when Dan was bitten and... shot... Phil completely spiralled out of control. He lost all his shine and luster, everything that made him Phil. If they would have made it, would have gotten to the boat with us, they possibly woil have announced them getting together. It was their last moments together were spent exactly like that; together. Phan isn't the reason for the video. The reason is that Dan and Phil were two of the best people Tyler and I have ever known. It's tragic and I... we miss them more than anything.

"If they can hear us, I hope Dan and Phil know how much we love them, how much we will love them. We will never let their memories fade.

"To Dan and Phil. We love you two."

At the end, as if to soften the heartache, in bold pink clip art was Don't cry, Craft!, which made Tyler laugh through his tears.

In the back of his head, Tyler would still blame himself for what happened to Dan and Phil. He would never be able to take back what happened. He couldn't stop Dan from running and couldn't stop Phil from his suicide. He let them both down.

Maybe one day he would stop blaming himself, seeing how it was never his fault, but it wouldn't be soon.

(To those who made it this far, thank you for reading! This is my first completed chapter fic and I'm more or less proud of it. I wish I could have added more but I really couldn't find the words or scenarios to bring it more to life. I do hope that those who read it and enjoyed it and to those I made cry, I am so sorry but I had to be done.
Again, thank you to all who read this story!! It means the world to me that people have read this and enjoyed it! :)
I'll try and get into the swing of writing my other stories to be on the look out for those. I also have a few on AO3, under DaughterOfAthena, so if I'm not posting here, you might catch something there.
Thank you!!!)

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