Shocking Stuff (Couldn't think of anything for chapter title..)

Start from the beginning

"He was in the woods."

"Cake!" I cried.

She ran in followed by Marshal. "What's wrong baby?" Cake looked concerned.

"It's Finn... He's here

"Like, yeah!" LSP cried.

I cringed at the sound his voice and so did Marshal.

"Who's Finn?" Marshal looked confused and a bit jealous.

"My brother...."

"Your what?"

"Let's go, I'll explain on the way."


"So you're telling me that you have a brother named Finn who was sent to a different dimension called Ooo?"

I nodded. "There's actually another you there. Except a girl. There's another version of everyone you know. Just opposite sex."

"This week has been weird..."

Cake slept in my back pack as we walked to the woods in an uncomfortable silence. That's when we saw him. Finn

He must have heard us step on something because he turned around. "Fionna? Is that you?"

"I stepped closer do he could see me clearly. "Hi" Marshal stayed back.

"Fionna? Are you sick? You look really pale..."

"No. I'm not..."

He looked at me weirdly. He could only see me because of his flash light.

"Then why are you so pale?" He poked my arm. "And cold..." He looked at my face. "And your tee- HOLY SHIT YOU'RE A VAMPIRE!" He backed away. "Who changed you?"

Marshal stepped out and walked up next to me.

"How many times are we gonna have to tell people why I had to change you?"

"A lot..." I sighed. "Listen Finn, I don't feel like explaining death again. So let's just say it hurts like a mother fucker. He saved me by changing me. Now, on to something more important. What's going on? Why exactly are you here?"

He sighed. "Well. I don't know. I just woke up here. Jake and Marceline were here earlier but they went into a cave and told me to stay here." He shrugged. "But that was half an hour ago."

Finn walked over to the mouth of a cave. "I'm going in."

"Wait Finn.." I tried to reason. But it was too late. He's in.

The sun started to rise.

"Lets go back to my place before we burn." Marshal grabbed my hand and led me to his house.


"I'm worried. It's been hours since Finn went in there." I said to myself.

Marshal had to go to the Night O Sphere and Cake was sleeping and said that if I woke her up she'd claw off my face.

The sun was starting to set. I'm going to go find him. Now. I grabbed an umbrella (in case, you never know.) I flew quickly through the woods and to the cave he went in. I stood in the mouth of the cave and peeked in. It's. Really. Creepy.

"Woman up Fionna!" I said to myself. I walked in only to straight away run into a spider web. "GAH!" I yelled. I hate spiders.... I continued to walk only to cut my arm five times (it healed right after but still) and run into seventeen more webs. I counted.

"Shit! How did I get myself into this?" I yell whispered to myself as I ran through the cave. "This is ju- FINN?" I looked at the boy as he lay in the ground, blood putting from his arm.

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