Tag #2

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Hey guys! Gabby here and I was tagged again, but this time by 8760_hours_of_fics.

You must post ALL rules
You must tag 15 people, if you cant, tag less then that
You must post 10 facts about yourself
You must answer the 13 questions given to you.
You must ask 13 questions for the tagged.
You CAN'T say "I don't do tags"
You have a week to complete this.

1. I love chocolate
2. I hate loud/scary noises
3. I love books
4. I love to sing
5. I have a major sweet tooth
6. I can't stand oranges.
7. I love cooking
8. My birthday is on cinco de mayo
9. I'm a sophomore in high school
10. I hate stupid people

Answers to the 13 questions asked:
1.Do you like Pentatonix?
Yes, they are my favorite acapella group!
2. Have you ever met your favorite youtuber?
Sadly, no.
3. Favorite season and why?
Fall because of all the beautiful leaf colors.
4.Who is the last person you hugged?
My youngest sister.
5. What are your 3 favorite songs right now?
Daft punk- Pentatonix, I need your love-Pentatonix, and Love again-PTX
6. What is your dream job?
Well, I would love to have a job in music or art.
7. Obsession?
Pentagon's and Anime
8. Any special talents?
Other than singing? Yes, my drawing.
9. 2 favorite and 2 least favorite subjects in school?
My two favorite subjects are AP world history and Chorus. My two least favorite subjects are, biology and math.
10. Any bad habits?
I have a tendency to tell a lot...
11. Do you get grossed out easily?
No not really.
12. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Between 5 and 10 minutes.
13. Do you like dark or light colors better?
I like darker colors personally.

My questions:
1. Favorite color?
2. Favorite place?
3.Do you like art?
4. Do you like Hot or cold places better?
5. What is your favorite fruit?
6. Do you have a favorite hobby?
7. What is your favorite band?
8. 3 favorite songs?
9. Do you prefer rain or sun?
10. What is your favorite youtuber?
11. Most annoying thing to you?
12. Do you prefer day or night?
13. Favorite article of clothing?


(If you don't do tags on your profile, I apologize and you can select someone else to take your place. I swear that if I picked a person that does not do tags, it was all unintentional. I swear on my life.)
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this boring thing, Sans, anything to say?
Sans: *yeah, be careful what you say to the author, or else you'll have a BAD TIME. That's all.
Both me and sans: *goes to grillbys*
See you in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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