If Only Kisses Were Medicine

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Thought you could get rid of me that easily? Nope. You will have to deal with the feels of these oneshots. I am sorry but I won't waste time with excuses. This is a Wolf x Reader (Including Ran) 

Quick shout out to @TheLunarChronicles for being so amazing and giving me a lot of ideas for stories.

"Wolf, I'm going to the store. Okay?" You rubbed his back methodically. Wolf coughed and looked up at you. He had an unusual strain of some flu. His eyes were swollen from the fever and you had just run out of soup- the only thing he could eat without running to the bathroom. 

"Okay." He said, barely audible.

You got up from the couch you and he were laying on and you took a shower. You had been taking care of Wolf for a week and a half now and you were behind on laundry. You grabbed one of his sweatshirts and put on your day old jeans. You left your (h/c) hair down and used your port to call a hover. 

You walked over to the couch and took a look at Wolf. Your heart clenched and your eyes watered as you couldn't bear to see anyone sick. You kissed his head.

"If only kisses were medicine." He mused. 

"If only." You agreed. You headed to where the hover was parked and climbed in. 


When you pulled up to the store, you scanned your ID chip and bolted to the shop. Going into the city gave you anxiety ever since you were a little girl. 

"Hey, (y/n). The clerk called. "How's your boyfriend?"

"Still sick, Katie. Thanks for asking." You lived in a place where everyone knew everyone. It was pretty cool. You went over to buy the things you needed to buy when you heard the door to the store open. A man that you didn't recognize walked around the aisles, just looking at everything. He turned towards me and we made eye contact. You quickly broke it by turning to look at an especially boring soup can. 

As you exited the store with a few bags of groceries, you walked out to hail a hover. Every single one passed you.

"Hello, (y/n)." Growled a voice. And then, darkness.

You woke up to a growing pain in your head and face. You touched your nose and winced. Broken. Great. You examined yourself for anymore injuries. You almost had a heart attack when you saw all of the blood on your shirt but then you remembered your nose. You stood up from the tile floor that you woke up on. Walking through the doorway, you saw that it was a hotel room bathroom. You hid behind the bathroom door when you heard voices. Or rather, a voice.

"Hello, (y/n). Remember me?" It was the voice that I heard in front of the store. You put a fist in your mouth to stop yourself from screaming. "I know you can hear me." He paused. "You have something that I rather want." You scanned your mind for what he could possibly want. Money? Highly unlikely considering you live in a one room apartment. You? Even more unlikely, but much more terrifying. 

"I am looking for my brother, dear." You were bewildered by this statement even more than anything your mind could cook up. Then, he laughed. It was a hearty laugh that, if the situation was different, would be able to light up a room. "You may know him as Wolf? Ze'ev? Anything ring a bell?"

"What do you want with him?" You said, gradually creeping into the main room.

"Ah! There she is! You know that it is very rude not to answer when someone asks you a question, dear?" 

"Don't call me that." You said through clenched teeth. He sped over to you faster than humanly possible and grabbed your hair.  You grunted with frustrated pain. 

"I am allowed to call you anything I want, dear. As you can see, I have the advantage here. Do I make myself clear?" You whimpered a yes and he threw you, effortlessly into the wall. You layed there, your arms and legs shielding your stomach. You wished the darkness would consume you, but your throbbing nose seemed to keep you alert.

"Wolf wouldn't know to come here. It would be impossible."

"Dear, did he say nothing of our abilities? He will use your scent." The man walked to a desk. You stayed silent, knowing that Wolf's nose was stuffed up. You felt smug that this man didn't know that. You didn't want Wolf coming to the rescue. As long as he stayed safe, you could keep this up.


A week later, the man was getting restless. He never stayed in the hotel room long- but when he did, he always managed to give you some kind of new injury. You could barely move your arms and your left ankle was snapped. Your hair was matted with filth and dried blood. The sweatshirt you were wearing was your only source of bandage. Most of it was ripped off to be tied around other wounds. He was starting to get creative and you were starting to go insane. Losing your mind a little bit every day scared you more than anything. You wished you could see Wolf but you also wanted him to stay away.

Then, you heard a knock at the door.

The man, who you now knew to be named Ran, looked through the peep hole. He sneered. "About time, big brother." He opened the door and Wolf rushed in and looked around. He looked awful and out of focus, but that could be because you could only open one eye. His eyes met yours and you could feel tears on your cheeks. You had not cried this entire time.

"(y/n). I am so sorry." His eyes softened. He then shifted his gaze to Ran and his eyes narrowed again. "Let's get this over-with." Ran lunged for Wolf but Wolf was too quick. They snarled, clawed, and even bit each other. They fought like, well, like wolves. They were both tiring but Wolf managed to pin Ran to the ground even though he was sick. He put his hand in a strangling position while the other was about to deliver the finishing blow when Ran grabbed onto Wolf's face. You screamed hoarsley but it was no use. You dragged yourself over to where they were fighting, grabbed an informational book that the hotel must provide every room. It was at least 5 pounds. You repeatedly slapped Ran with it, knowing that, in his current position, he could die this way. You screamed with rage every time you delivered a blow. You screamed and cried for what he did to you, what he put Wolf through and everything else. You didn't know how long it had been until you were interuppted by a hand on your arm. You raised the book again, but Wolf grabbed it out of your hands. He gave you a look that showed pity, concern and fear all at the same time.

You fell into Wolf's embrace and cried. Wiped out with exhaustion, you passed out. 


You woke up again still in the hotel room. For a moment, you thought that it was all a bizarre dream and that you were still a captive, but you noticed that you were on the hotel bed and that the sheets were bloody. You started hyperventilating because you didn't know if it was your blood or someone elses.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay, you are safe. Shh." You felt a hand caress your cheek and another rub your shoulder. It was Wolf's familiar hands. Your eyes shot up to his face. He seemed like he wasn't sick anymore. Maybe he wasn't even sick when he came to find you. 

"Aren't you sick?" You asked, rather bluntly.

"No, not anymore. I was okay a few days after you left, but then I was up all night every night trying to find you." He paused. "I finally caught your scent and tracked you here. I guess I was too late." He looked away but you saw the single tear drip down his cheek. You turned his chin to you and you gave him a kiss on his lips. It lasted a few seconds but then he pulled away. He touched your face. "We need to get you fixed up." He began to get up but you pulled his hand back. 

"What if- if I-" New tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. You didn't know what to do. You beat a man with a book over and over again and you knew your sanity was something you lost during that week. "I don't want to be scared of myself." You paused, thinking of Wolf's face after you killed Ran. "Most of all, I don't want you to be scared of me." Your lip trembled like a little child's would. Wolf kissed you softly for a long moment and then whispered something. You remembered saying it: That fateful day that felt like ages ago. 

"If only kisses were medicine."

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