Truth or Dare

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This is a Jacin x Reader with Winter. It was requested by @Lunar_Squid and @themechanic1221.

Today was your monthly day with your best friend Winter. Ususally, normal Lunars don't hang out with royalty, but Winter needed to make friends when she was little and you were right there. You had been through everything together and she even helped you find your boyfriend, Jacin.

"Come on!"Winter pulled you along giggling. "We will be late for our lunch!" It was tradition that you made your lunches and ate it in the menagerie. This time was no different.

"Okay! Okay!" You say. "I just have to pick up a book from the library! I'll be right back!"

"Ok _______. Don't be too long." Winter skipped off to the menagerie.

When you were in the library, you heard someone clear their throat. "Ah! Jacin. You about gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry _______." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Why are you still in your soldier uniform? I thought that you had the day off."

"I did, but I need to go on special detail today."

"Well, are you finished?"

"Yeah. I was about to go home."

"Don't be silly! You should join Winter and I for lunch!" You pull him towards the door. He lets go of your hand.

"I couldn't impose."

"Sure you could! Impose all that you want. Winter won't mind." You insist.

"Fine." He concedes. You grab your book and accompany him to the menagerie. Winter is waiting there for you.

"Hi Jacin!" Winter smiles.

"You don't mind if he joins us for lunch, right?"

"Of course not!" Once you had settled in and ate, you decided to play truth or dare.

"Hmmmmm... _________ I dare you to kiss Jacin." Winter smiled maniacally.

"Oh. Ok." You kiss him on the cheek.

"ON. THE. LIPS!" Winter doubles over in laughter as Jacin brings his hand up to your (skin color) cheek. You even try to stifle your laughter. It was a light kiss but it sent shivers down your spine.

"Maybe... we shouldn't kiss for dares anymore." He says. You think that he is breaking up with you but then you realize that his lips are on yours again. This time, the kiss is harder.

"We should just kiss for our relationship." He finishes. He puts a strand of (H/C) hair behind your ear.

"I second that."

"Aww... you guys are so cute!" Winter exclaims. She starts talking animatedly to her wolf and ignores you two entirely. You look at Jacin and smile. I have the best friends, you think.

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