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This is a Wolf x Reader requested by @WinterBlackburn1438 It's kind of a long one. Hope you like it!

"Hey, Wolf." You wave to your boyfriend from where you were sitting by the pool. He just walked through the gate to the community pool.

"Hey, _______." Wolf replied. He sat down next to you. You went back to your reading. After a while, you were getting over-heated. Wolf was asleep. You went to get in the pool.

"Hello beautiful." Some guy swam up next to you.

"Watch it, buddy. My boyfriend will tear you to shreds." You say, trying and failing to look intimidating.

"Is that so?" He asks while trying to put an arm around your shoulder. You shove him away but he barely moved. Man, this guy was muscular.

"Get away from me creep." You shoved him again and this time he moved.

"Fiery." Was all he said. You walked out of the pool and went to sit back down.

Wolf was finally awake but he must not have seen what was going on because he suggested that you and him go in the pool. You knew that you shouldn't but with Wolf with you this time, what could go wrong.

You were actually having a blast. You both ended up having a splash contest and you won. By the time you finished, you and Wolf were both soaking wet and laughing like maniacs.

"That was really fun, ______. Are you hungry?" Wolf asked.

"Famished. Want to go get food?" You said.

"I'll go get it." Wolf replied. "Then, we can have a poolside-picnic." He got out of the pool and dried off. Then he went to get the food.Once you had dried off, you sat down and started to read the book that you brought with you.

"We meet again, beautiful." Said an all-to-familiar voice.

"Stalk much? What do you want." You spat at him.

"You to be my girlfriend."He said, shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't notice that you already had a boyfriend.

"Sorry, but I'm off the market." You smirked.

"But, really. You're with him? You could do so much better." He laughed as if what he said was funny. You scowled at him.

"There is no one better than Wolf." You said. You looked him straight in the eyes, and he looked in your (e/c) eyes. He reached up to touch your (h/c) hair. You slapped his hand.

"Don't touch me!" You shouted.

Suddenly, there were arms pushing you away from the guy. They were strong and familiar. Wolf. He punched him and threw him away from you. Unfortunatly, the guy knew how to fight back. Wolf took a pretty bad beating before the man collapsed.

"Awesome, Wolf." You said quietly. He turned around and looked at you. Well, more like though you. He had a crazed look in his eye.

"Wolf?" You asked cautiously. He either didn't hear you or ignored it. He walked toward you and lunged. Before you knew it, Wolf's hands were on your shoulders. He picked you up and was about to throw you back down on the ground.

"Wolf." You pleaded. Tears sprung up in your vision. Well, your approach worked; no-no it didn't. Wolf hesitated before changing his direction to the pool. He was going to try and drown you. You were almost under the water. "Wolf, please. This is not you. Where is my Wolf?" You ask. "Where is the boy that I love?" You say quietly. Suddenly, Wolf's body jerks and he lets you go. HIs eyes dilate and then go back to normal.

"_______." Wolf croaks with tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" You ask. "Is this some joke?" You say, narrowing your eyes. You were holding your arm where Wolf had his hands.

"I-I, I lost control. I saw that guy bothering you and- and I just lost control." Wolf said, covering his face with his hands. "I-I'd better go, ______." He started to get up when you put a hand on his arm. "Wolf, we will fix this. Everyone has troubles." You say with a side-ways smile and a shrug.

"The way you are talking about it, you make it sound like an allergy."

"It sort of is." You reason.

"What?" Wolf asks, obviously not taking you seriously.

"Well, you lost control when another boy got near me. You must have an allergic reaction to jealousy." You giggle.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." Wolf says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But, are you seriously okay?" He reaches for your injured arm and cradles it to his chest.

"I'm fine. But, I'm really hungry. Let's go get something to eat." You pull his arm.

"Okay, okay. Don't you lose control and get hangry." He teases.

"I'm glad to have my Wolf back." You say while nuzzling your noze to Wolf's cheek.

"I am pretty great." Wolf said quietly. He reached down and kissed you.

"Yeah, pretty great at getting beat up." You reached up and touched his eye.

"Whatever." Wolf said. "Love you, _______."

"Love you too."

You both walked away glad that you had each other back.

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