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This is a Kai x Reader requested by @themechanic1221 . This is very long because I had so much fun writing it even though Kai isn't my favorite character (It's Wolf, BTW). I will take requests for Kai x Readers, Thorne x Readers, Jacin x Readers, and Wolf x Readers ;)

This was your last day in New Beijing. You wanted to spend time with your best friend Kai, and your other best friend, Iko. Iko, who happens to be a crazy fangirling android, suggested that you go shopping. You agreed but worried that Kai wouldn't want to come. Luckily, his options were coming along with you or sitting through a four hour budget meeting.

Once you were all in the hover and done with security measures (apparently, an emperor can't get a break), we were off to the mall.

"Can we go there?" Iko whined. She pointed at a droid accessory store.

"I don't see why not." Kai replied. After about 45 minutes of having Iko dress up in ridiculous costumes including a cowboy, a 21 century pop star, and a Lunar, Kai and Iko agreed that you need a dress for the Peace Festival.

"What?" You had no intent for coming back here for a stupid ball. That was the week of your birthday.

"Wait, ______." Kai started. "You aren't coming back for the ball?" He looked so hurt.

"Well I wasn't planning on it but I guess I could swing by..." You start.

"Then, let's get you a dress!" Then Iko pulled you towards a store that sold ball gowns.

You and Iko picked out about 20 dresses for you to try on. You held up a red and white dress.

"It looks like a walking first aid kit." You grimace.

"How about this one?" Iko holds up a purple dress that is down to your ankles. You put it on and go out to show Kai. You spin around like a runway model.

"Dahling no!" Kai retorts. He waves his hand. "Begone!" By this point he couldn't keep a straight face. Next thing you knew, you were both laughing so hard that tears had come to your eyes. Before you can lapse into another fit of giggles, you run into the dressing room. Suddenly, you see a dress under a pile. You pull it out and try it on. It is a (f/c) floor length gown that compliments your (skin tone) skin. You walk out to Kai. His jaw drops.

"You-you" He stutters.

"Look amazing, I know dahling!" You tease. He chuckles and moves closer. He moves a (h/c) lock of hair behind your ear. For a moment, you think that he is going to kiss you.

"_______ ________, you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever met and I would be honored if you would be my date to the ball." He pecks you on the lips and you blush wildly.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smirks. "Now go and change back into normal clothes! I'm hungry!" He rubs his stomach and pouts like a 6 year old. You giggle and run to change.

"Aggh!" You jump up and down in the dressing room so excited that he finally likes you. You start to put your casual clothes back on when you feel a tap on your shoulder. "You decent?" He asks, holding his hand over his eyes. The thing is that he spread apart his fingers so that it defeated the purpose.

"Aggh!" This time, you scream in fright. When you realize that it was Kai, you punch him in the gut.

What those two didn't know was that Iko was sitting in one of the store chairs watching them like a net drama.

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