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Hi everyone!!! It is finally summer vacation!!!!! I will probably be able to update a lot more than normal. I also will make more of my own requested one shots (Wolf!!).

Anyway, this is a Kai x Reader requested by @WinterBlackburn1438 Thanks for the follow! Hope you like it! Everyone keep commenting and requesting! ;)

"________?" Kai asks.

"Yeah, Kai?" You ask looking up from (favorite book).

"I have to go to a conference. I'll be back-"

"Ooh! Who are you conferencing with today? President of the U.S?" You were a total government junkie. You loved it and hoped to become part of politics someday.

"Cough...Levana...cough." Kai replied, running his hand through his hair.

"Oh." You say flatly, narrowing your eyes. "The Levana that has been pestering you to marry her or face her wrath?"

"'s the OTHER Levana that we know." Kai retorts sarcastically.

"Whatever." You roll your eyes and playfully punch his arm. "Do you want me to come with you?" You ask.

"You can... if you want."

"Ok. Let's go." You say. He holds out his arm and you take it. You then walk toward the conference room. You gave Kai a quick kiss on the cheek before you entered the conference room.

When you got to the room, you both sat at a long table. At the head of the table was a port screen connected to a D-Comm chip. On the screen was none other than the veiled image of the notorious Levana. Kai stiffly bowed toward the screen.

"Queen Levana." He said.

"Ah, my young Emperor," Levana started in her sickly-sweet voice tha sent shivers up your spine. "No need for such formalities. I assume that this is your secretary?" Levana asked. You could sense the disgust in her voice. Kai wanted you disguised as a secretary just to avoid suspicion. You quickly stood up and started to bow. Suddenly, Kai's hand was on your shoulder. He looked concerned.

"Yes, yes. Your service will not be needed at this moment miss. Go." Levana ordered. She raised a pale hand and made a shooing motion.

"She stays. You are permitted to speak freely but you do not command my subjects." Kai said with so much finality that you were even surprised. He quickly squeezed your hand and you both sat down.

"Well, well. My little Emperor has some fire." Levana chuckled as if something was amusing about the situation.

"Let's just get down to business." Kai said.

After talking for about an hour, Levana was no where close to making a marriage alliance and you were getting closer to throwing the port screen across the room. Your temper was your only problem.

"How about we stop bickering and just admit that you are very selfish to your people. A leader that would do anything for his people-"

"I will do anything that I need to do for my people."

"Prove it." Levana says. Those two little words are what made you snap. You stood up.

"Prove it? What are we? Seven? Kai is the most dedicated, compassionate leader that I have ever and will ever know. He is more loyal to his subjects than a husband is to a wife. HE IS STRONG." You stated, your voice steadily rising. "The funny thing that I notice is that people take all of their flaws and try to accuse another of having those flaws. Guess what? You can't change your flaws. You can accept them and move on. Some people are too callous and self-absorbed to grasp that, but I will not have someone waltz in here and ridicule my leader."

You sat down, fuming. Your face was probably red but you didn't care. Kai looked at you, startled, and Levana... well, Levana was a vision of utter contempt.

"How funny that a secretary has so much to say." Levana said coldly. "Kaito, it would serve you well to reschedule our conference and to execute this woman immediately." With that, the screen went black. You were afraid that Kai would be livid but he turned to you and lifted you in the air. He kissed you hard on the lips and you kissed him back. When he pulled away, Kai asked, "Is that really what you think of me?"

"That, and a thousand more things." You whispered. You kissed him again. You both stood there for a long time, hoping that Torin wouldn't walk in.

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