I had no patience for the school button up today and opted to wear my white golf shirt reserved for P.E periods with my school skirt, anklets and school shoes. The teachers and prefects turned more blind eyes to seniors like us though, so I knew no one would give me shit for my incorrect uniform.

My longer skirt was dirty so I had to settle for the skirt I'd worn in grade eight, before I'd grown taller. It sat right below my bum and had I not worn my spandex tights underneath, there wouldn't be much left to the imagination. This skirt amused Manda to no end for some reason.

My hair may as well have been loose in the low ponytail I'd tied it in, but I didn't have the energy to fight with it today. My hair was the large and frizzy kind, that took hours to manage into presentable styles and once it came into contact with humidity or heat, it poofed out of its confines and hugged my head like a mane.

I could smell breakfast cooking downstairs and the distinct sound of my dad whistling. I was about to head down when my phone dinged.

Manda🖤: good morning💛 this is a reminder for you not to forget the memory stick. love u and good luck for the test. u got this 💪🏾💛🔥

I'd almost forgotten that I'd promised Manda that I'd lend her a memory stick for her to download the newest season of Empire along with some new movies for the both of us.

My dad kept a shit load of memory sticks with large memory in one of his drawers in his bedroom. He never minded when I borrowed one of them from time to time so I figured I could had to his bedroom first and get one before I went down stairs.

My dad's room was the second door after my bathroom (well, it was the house bathroom but I only ever used it so I claimed it as mine.) The door was slightly ajar when I reached for it and pushed it open. His memory sticks were at the drawers that were parallel to his bed. I just had to walk to them, get the stick and get out of there.

"Oh Rob, I was just thinking that-"
I stopped dead in my tracks at the voice that I heard.

I turned my body towards the bed and my eyes widened. Anna was there, in my dad's bed, naked with the duvet wrapped around her torso.

Her cheeks were flushed a bright red and her eyes mirrored my startled expression.

"H-hey Paiten," she said shakily.

I still stood frozen to the spot, taking in her messy sex hair, her naked shoulders that were exposed above the duvet and the marks that littered her neck.

Heat filled my face and my brows furrowed in equal parts mortification and anger. I shook my head and backed out of the room like I'd just witnessed a murder scene, which in my mind, it was.

Manda would just have to forgive me, I rationed as I trailed down the stairs, without the memory stick.

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