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"I told you it was a bad idea." I muttered to my best friend, Madiline.

"Austen, sweetheart, what was a bad idea?" Madi asked through the door as she knocked gently, the tapping sound echoing through the small bathroom.

"Going out with you in our first week back at school." I replied bitterly, sitting on the edge of the grimy bathtub in the apartment we rented together.

"Austen, you were hungover for one class and I know you're caught up by now. Why are you still dwelling on it? It seems like forever ago." I could almost hear her eyes roll though the door as I placed my head in my hands, massaging my temples and sighing heavily.

"It's not just that Madiline." My voice cracked as I said her name and my throat felt tighter as I held in my tears. I scrubbed angrily at my eyes, sitting up and running a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm myself down.

"Austen please let me in." She begged again with one last pitiful knock.

I stood up and very slowly made my way to the door where I turned the handle and fell into my best friends arms.

"I fucked up!" I sobbed, finally letting go. I knew Madi would be understanding, without even having the full story. Her heart was so big and I had never felt judgement from her before. I don't normally get so worked up like this and I knew she would be suspicious as soon as I was locked away in the bathroom for more than an hour.

"What?" Madi asked frantically, trying to pull me off of her to look me in the eyes. She was gripping both of my shoulders as I weakly leaned against her.

"I ruined my life! My dad always said that if something were to happen like this, then my life would be over!" I moved my hands so I could grip onto her shoulders for dear life as she led me into my room.

"Lay down and please breathe." She pushed my wet with sweat hair from my face and rubbed my arms gently. "Tell me what's going on because I've never been so confused."

I looked at her thought blurry eyes and tried to blink the tears away so I could see clearly. "Madi. . . I don't know what to do."

Madiline stood up and left my room, stepping into the bathroom that I could see from where I was slouched over. My room was right across the hall and I could hear her rummaging around until there was complete silence.

"Austen?" Madi called cautiously, with her voice slightly shaking.

"Madiline?" I heard a new voice shout from down the hallway. "Are you almost ready to head out?"

I recognized the voice almost immediately. It was Madiline's boyfriend, Ford. They have been together for almost three years and we were close enough that I could consider him a brotherly figure.

"Ford, stay in the kitchen." Madi warned as she stepped back into my room. She moved slowly and very cautiously. "Austen. . ."

I dropped my head as she sat on the edge of my bed and slowly placed three pieces of plastic on my blanket covered lap.  I squeezed my eyes shut, already knowing what was sitting there. The light weight seemed heavy on my heart as I slowly pushed them away.

"Two whole months?" Madiline asked, picking my chin up with her finger, forcing eye contact. She had bright red cheeks and wide, cautious eyes.

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