It wasn't me!

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Stefan'a POV

I don't get it, Elena and I were doing well even my sisters apologized and then she comes round whacks them in the face then kick them down and says "This is my revenge." Then walks out. What's it supposed to mean? Then Elena says it was Katherine. Katherine left ages ago it wouldn't be her,I would have sensed it. I'm in my house and writing in my journal but then I hear a knock on the door. I rush downstairs and open it to see Elena standing there.

"Hello Stefan." She says."I've come to finish off what I started."

"Elena please just go away."I told her."You're not welcome here anymore just leave!"

She walked past me. "You're not Elena." I finally realized.

"Took you a while didn't it Stefan. Now poor Elena is heart broken because when she wanted help her one true love just sent her away. You really are slow at this game. People should know that poor,innocent Elena would never to anything so bad." Katherine said.

"All this time it was you.You beat my sisters up, you burnt down The Grill." I said.

"Ding ding! Bingo." She said.

"This is no time for games Katherine you had my sisters locked up for centuries. You're getting away with this one." I told her. "Damon now!"

An wooden bullet was shot at Katherine and she was down.

"A good plan." Damon said to me.

Elena came out from where she was hidden. We chained her up and then interrogated her.

"I'm surprised how did you do this one?" Katherine asked me once she woke up.

"After Elena said that it was you and I didn't believe her I had a call fro Bonnie saying that the night you went to beat up my sisters, Elena was with Jeremy in the town square." I told her.

"Hmm so you did this huge plan to kidnap me." She said surprised. "Tell me now how did not know you were lying?"

"You need to brush up on your old tricks again Katherine." I told her. "What do you want back in Mystic Falls?"

"You." She answered simply.

"The truth." I demanded.

"I want to break the sun and moon curse." She told me.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I wondered.

"Thats for me to know and you to wonder." She said.

I put some vervain on her and she screamed in plain.

"Let me ask you again. How do you plan on doing that?" I shounted in her face.

"There's a moonstone and a sacrifice." She replied.

I left the room and went to Elena but by then she was already on her way driving home. The sad part was that everyone thinks Elena burnt down The Grill, I had to make something up to cover it. I ran down to Matt's house and knocked on the door. After a few seconds Vicky opened t.

"Hi Vicky can I speak to you and Matt?" I asked politely.

"Yeah sure come in." She told me.

I walked in and sat down on one of the chairs.

"It wasn't Elena's fault about The Grill." I told them. "She was blackmailed. A very dangerous person said he would kill her friends unless she burnt down The Grill."

"Oh my God I've been blaming Elena for all this when she was trying to protect her friends." Matt said." I'm an awful friend, I should've known Elena wouldn't do anything like that."

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