I know them

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When I got home I felt so horrible my whole body ached and I needed blood.

"Allysha are you okay?" A worried voice asked.

"I'm fine. I need blood." I said.

Writhing seconds a pack of blood was in my hands, I drank so much.

"Allysha there's something we need to tell you." Stefan said.

"What?" I asked feeling stronger.

"You have three other sister." Stefan said.

How could he do this to me? I had come home from horrible torture to find out my brothers have kept this gigantic secret from me. Did they just suddenly forget about three sisters and decided when I would take the news hardest to tell me?

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I screamed.

"They left, we don't know where though." Stefan told me.

"I think I'll for a shower." I told them.

I went upstairs and into the bathroom, took a long shower and got ready for bed. I was so tired but there was something I was wondering but i'll leave it for tomorrow.

That night I couldn't sleep, I was in too much pain it was like when I was back in the cave. My body ached and it really hurt. I couldn't take it any longer the pain was too much.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!" I screamed, within seconds both my brothers were next to me.

"Allysha what happened?" Stefan asked.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked at the same time.

Next thing I know Elena's here.

"Oh my god Allysha what happened?" Elena asked worriedly.

"My body ached like I was back in the cave." I told them. "It hurt so much."

"I'll take care of her and you two can go back to whatever you were doing." Damon smirked.

Elena's POV

I was in Stefans bedroom because we kind of well spent the night together then suddenly I heard this scream coming from Allysh's room. Stefan being a vampire used his vampire speed to get to her room while I being a boring old human who didn't vampire speed had to walk there!

How boring?

I walked in and Damon and Stefan were already around her and asking.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked.

"Oh my god Allysha what happened?" I asked very worried.

"My body ached like I was back in the cave." She told us. "It hurt so much."

"I'll take care of her and you tow can go back to whatever you were doing." Damon smirked.

I'm going to drive a stake through his heart one day.

Stefan and I walked to Stefan's bedroom and carried on with what we were doing. I was worried for Stefan and Allysha, I mean Allysha was in a horrid cave being tortured by the person who once, my boyfriend loved. Stefan is mine and there is no way I'm letting him go. I love Stefan and I know he loves me back.

Allysha's POV

"What were their names?" I asked Damon, hoping he knew who I meant.

"Rosemary, Freya and Helena." Damon replied.

My eyes widened. It couldn't be,could it?

"I know them." I said.

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