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Stefan's POV

She ran out of the house and I chased her but even for my speed I couldn't stop her driving out my drive without hurting her so I ran to her house and I had a feeling she knew I'd be there but my sisters even I admit were horrible to her. They shouldn't have done that. I got to her house and waited a while but she didn't turn up, I was starting to worry now where had she gotten to? I knocked on the door and Jenna appeared.

"Oh hi Stefan Elena's not here right now." Jenna said.

"Yeah she was at my house but one of my sisters made her upset so she ran off I thought she was coming here but it doesn't seem so." I told her.

"She called me up about 2 minutes ago and said she was staying a Bonnie's house tonight so she'll be here in about an hour to collect her stuff for the sleepover." Jenna said.

"Thanks." I thanked her.

Next stop, Bonnie's house. I ran to the woods, human speed ,then ran to the part of the wood that's closest to Bonnie's house then walked from there. I didn't see Elena's car anywhere so I knocked on Bonnie's door. Bonnie's grams answered.

"Hello Stefan." She said plainly. "Elena and Bonnie are not here."

"I kinda figured that part out." I told her.

"They've gone out don't ask me where because I'm not going to answer." She said a bit rudely.

I thanked her even though she wasn't very nice to me, you don't really want to make a witch mad. I tried calling Elena's and Bonnie's phone but they don't seem to be answering. I went to The Grill to see if they were in there and they were. I saw them both sitting at a table with Caroline, I listened in on their conversation.

"So you want some privacy and Stefan's older sisters say that you can't. So then when you want privacy you shut the door, they come up and ask you the same thing but this time you say you do mind. Stefan agrees and his sisters say you're changing him." Bonnie was recapping.

"I didn't even know he had other sisters I thought it was just Allysha." Caroline added in.

"Basically, yeah. I ran crying out the house and Stefan followed me but right now I really don't want to be near any of them." Elena told the girls.

That's when I ran back to my house got Freya and Helena and dragged them down to The Grill. I walked up to the table Elena,Bonnie and Caroline were sitting in.

"Elena, they're here to apologise to you." I told her. I nudged my sisters.

"Sorry." They both said at the same time.

Elena nodded and the girls left.

"Thanks Stefan." Elena thanked.

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