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"Laith Zafri, awak kena belajar memaafkan orang lain. We all flawed, Laith. Appreciate people around you and you shouldn't treat people like sh..rubbish!" Husna mengetap bibirnya.
Laith hanya memberikannya pandangan kosong.
"Do you want people to treat you the same way? Mesti taknak, kan?" Lembut suara Husna Delisha memberitahu Laith.

Laith merenung mata hitam bersinar milik Husna. "No. But, Husna Delisha,have you experience or have you ever feel how people treat you like shit when all you do was just being nice to them??" Mata Laith berkaca.

He's so fragile..he's vulnerable

Itu yang ada dalam pemikiran Husna. Husna terdiam. Kemudian, satu senyuman terbit pada bibirnya menyerlahkan lesung pipit pada kedua belah pipinya.
"Welcome to reality, Laith Zafri. All you gotta do is accept the fact and truth. Not everything in life's fair. I'm being nice and people treat me like shit too-sometimes! But that is okay. Bila orang layan kita macam tu kita akan rasa kecewa, bukan? When we feel that way, we automatically won't treat people like that. Faham, kan? And that's why you should leave all the bad things behind and for now I'll help you to manage a few things okay?" Husna tersenyum manis.

Laith, rolling his eyes. "You're the weirdest, nicest, kindest, naïve person I've met." And you're also the only person I talk to about this.

"Why, thank you for the compliment. So, are you ready to start your sesi pengajaran Dan pembelajaran dengan saya?" Soal Husna dengan senyuman.
Laith tersenyum juga. Dia menganggukkan kepala.

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