Chapter Ten

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Finally, time to start a new chapter in my life. I am so excited to begin the new school year but the feeling of dread keeps creeping in at the though of having to face Scott after nearly kissing his brother and also how on earth I am going explain to Madison, Scott and Felix why I never showed up at our breakfast meeting at Cafe Marmalade despite being told by them to wait for Scott to pick me up and walk there with me and also why now I am walking in with Isaac instead.

"It's okay to be nervous you know? Just relax, nothing is going to happen to you with me by your side."

"Thanks for being there for me Isaac, I really appreciate it." I squeezed his hand in mine and we walked through the metal school gates. A group of girls gave me a nasty look at the sight of me and Isaac holding hands but I just ignored their glares and held down the urge to yell at them that jealousy is not attractive. Isaac has always been the most popular out of me, him and Madison so it's sometimes really awkward to hang out with him when his fanclub is around. I'm not kidding when I say fanclub, it's one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen and if you told me, say four years ago that my childhood friend would have a fanclub I would have laughed in your face.

"It's okay P, I mean what are friends for?" He squeezed my hand back as we walked over to the sixth form block to find out what forms we would be in this year and to collect our timetable for the year.

I was so relieved to find out that me and Isaac were in the same form but we won't know who else is in our form until we get there. Unfortunately, me and Isaac don't have any lessons the same since we chose different A Levels (I'm doing Art, Creative Writing and Creative Media while Isaac is doing the more scientific side of A Levels available, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology and Maths, so we don't have much in common there since I really hate those subjects), but we have most of our frees together.

From the timetable, it looks like a lot less work than GCSEs when we had a lesson every period but there is going to be work to do outside the lesson instead so the workload had actually increased.

Our tutor was thankfully a teacher we had before for Ict, Mr Collins, so we were guaranteed at least one friendly face in that classroom. I hope to god that there is nobody that hates me, but knowing my luck it's probably full of people that do...

That's just the way it is (complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя