Chapter Four

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"Honey, it's time to wake up, you've got work to do."

The voice of my mother pulled me out of my dreams, the golden rays of sun flooded into my room as she opened the curtains. I had to blink a few times to allow my eyes to adjust to the sudden light and rubbed them as I sat up in bed.

"What time is it?" My voice was thick with sleep.

"It's just after half nine. We need you to pop down to the shops to get some things we have run out of for the guest's breakfasts tomorrow." I noticed her holding a sheet of paper, clearly a list of what they needed.

"Okay, just leave the list on my desk, I'll go soon."

"I'll leave the money here too sweetie."

She placed the items on my desk next to my sketchpad that was open to my latest drawing of a boat on the ocean. She smiled at the sight of it and asked if she could put it on display when it was finished. My parents are very supportive of my art and love to show it off at every available opportunity, hence the reason for my art nearly covering every single wall in this entire house. It's harder for them to support my writing in the same way, especially since I hate showing it off to other people. Make me feel kind of uncomfortable to be honest, just watching someone read my work makes my skin all itchy and oh how I wish I could read minds at those moments.

When I agreed to let her display it, she left the room with a wide grin on her face and shut the door behind her to give me some privacy as I got ready for the day ahead.

The weather forecast on tv said that today would be sunny and hot, perfect tourist weather. Sooner or later the beach would be heaving with people so it's better to either go really early or late at night when it's the summer months. This kind of weather calls for shorts and a tank top, accompanied by some cute gladiator sandals that I bought last weekend. I pocketed the cash and did the same to the list after having a quick glance over the contents.

I raced down the 3 flights of stairs and out the front door in record time, the quicker I get this over with, the sooner I can return and continue writing my latest poetry piece (based on the ocean, of course) that we were asked to do as preparation for beginning an A Level in Creative Writing.

The heat of the sun against my skin was quickly replaced by the cooling air conditioning of our local mini supermarket. Maybe jeans would have been better, I can feel some goosebumps forming on my legs at the sudden change in temperature.

At the top of the list was the mini cereal multipacks and since they are on the aisle closest to the entrance, I might as well get them first. I collected a trolley (the list they gave me is actually quite long!) and wandered off to the correct aisle only to find them several inches beyond my grasp on a high shelf. Even on my tiptoes and jumping didn't get my hand anywhere near close enough to grab a few boxes. A grunt of frustration passed my lips.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar?" A low voice murmured into my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine as he placed a hand on my hip and pressed his body flush against mine. "Cause you have a pretty sweet ass."

My heartbeat accelerated in my chest due to his words and also due to nerves of his unexpected advance. He didn't stay in that position very long though. He stepped backwards, keeping one hand on me and using his other to reach above my head and grab some of the cereal I had been so desperate to reach.


I spun around to face him and was completely blown away by what I saw. He too wore a tank top that perfectly displayed his toned, tan arms and broad shoulders that lead up to his face and those gorgeous forest green eyes that pierced into my very soul. His lips raised into a smirk at my blush combined with the whole deer caught in headlights look I was pulling off.

"Aaron you seriously have to stop-" He pulled away at the sound of Scott's voice and I hadn't even been aware that he had been leaning in.

That's just the way it is (complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang