Chapter Eight

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"Sh*t!" I exclaimed.

Getting up, I ran in to the house.

"Gab!" I called out for Gabriella.

I ran upstairs and people were staring at me, they might be thinking of me as a crazy woman chasing the thief for her purse, or worse than that. But I don't care as my friend just got rejected. And they don't even know how it feels after getting rejected, it feels like hell.

"Tina!" Someone called out for me as I was in middle of the staircase. I turned to look at Stacey. Her face was pale and sad. What happened to her?

As hearing my thoughts she said those words that made me freeze "You got the visions late because Gab tried to kill herself"

"She WHAT?" I yelled. The whole pack house was silent. "Is she" I gulped and repeated hesitating " Is she dead?"

"No, but she lost a lot of blood"

"Where is she now?" I asked a little bit relieved.

"Hospital" she said with no emotion. What's up with her?

"I'm going there" with that I ran downstairs and made my way to my secret -not anymore- car.

Once I got into car, I drove it out of the hidden place and drove to the hospital.

My dad taught me how to drive when I was 13, crazy? I know.

He always wanted a son but never had. I used to be a tomboy back then so I used to play with him. And Tiffany? She left us when she was 10 because she wanted to live her life without us. Crazy? I know it.

In our pack,there is only one girl that can shift: me, but I had learned to mask my scent so that no one could figure it. And I kept my mom's promise and masked it. I shift once a week because I don't want Athena to think herself as a prisoner.

As hearing my thoughts Athena said "You're so nice, Tina"

"Nice is my middle name: Tina Nice Turner" I said and she laughed.

Once I was in front of hospital I climbed out of the car and ran into hospital.

I greeted the receptionist and asked for Gabriella.

"Room 362" she replied.

"Thank you so much" with that I made my way towards room 362.

As I got near I saw Stella, Angela, Ellie and Laura in front of room 362. But what are Tiffany, Alpha and Beta doing here!?!

I started to walk to my friends.

"Is- is everything okay?" I asked horrified.

"Tina, do you know that Gab can block your six sense?" Stella asked me.

"No" I said with wide eyes. "SHE CAN?!?" I almost yelled, still shocked.

"She did!" Stella said.

" She blocked the whole rejection vision thingy from you so she can commit suicide without anyone disturbing her" Laura said angrily and sarcastically.

"But she failed to block it because I'm more powerful than her." I finished for her.

"Exactly" Elie said.

Tiffany scoffed "cowards"

"Luna, this isn't the time to mock" I said emphasizing the word 'Luna' and gave her the look. I saw a flash of pain in alpha's eyes but they were gone in a blink. Maybe I'm imagining things.

"Of course this isn't the time" she said while flipping her hair

over her shoulder.

Doctor came out of the room.

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