Chapter Seven

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Oh my God.

I held the towel close to my body due to fear.

Now what? Now what? NOW WHATTT???

'YOU'VE GOT THIS THING CALLED ABILITY TO SEE IN DARK, YOU FOOL!!!' Athena yelled and Blocked me out.

What the h- wait!

She's right. I should've done that before.

You see when I was meditating, I closed all lights and curtains and it's really dark now. And sometimes I'm afraid of dark. What if I tripped and fall and broke 4 to 5 bones? Okay so it's too much but still.....

I started to see through dark and made my way into closet.

After picking clothes for myself and wearing them, I brushed my hair and made a braid and slid down into my blanket.

After a while I drifted into sleep while wishing that I could sleep and then never wake up.


"What the- Oh my God!" I woke up from my sweet sleep and exclaimed while sitting on bed.

"What 'Oh my God'? We were just packing things but accidentally broke the TV" Stella said and shrugged and Laura nodded in agreement.

"Is this how you pack?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"By the way, are we going to pack things for other grades and all?" I asked

"Oh that? No we're not, thanks to you but you're going to meet principal for smart talking and leaving school" Laura said.

"And maybe he'll give you detention or worst" Stella added.

"Oh no don't worry" I said while waving my hand in a manner of dismissing "I've got solution for everything" I said while getting up and making my way towards exit.

"Not everything" Stella looked at me with pain in her eyes and continued with her packing.

"Not everything" I whispered to myself and exited the room and went downstairs.

Everyone was giving me weird looks I don't know why. But I held my head up high and went further into hall and then made my way towards garden.

'Tina, aren't you going to pack your things for camping?' Ellie asked through mind link.

'I will but not now' I replied.

'Okay' was all she said before blocking me out. Ellie haven't found her mate yet. I sometimes feel so sorry for Group A. I wish that we had better luck.

I sighed and sat on the grass and looked up at the sky remembering the day when I first came here. I thought that my life will be perfect but luck hates me.

I used to live in Canada but my parents sent me here in America, I protested but luck wasn't with me as always. We were members of this pack but because of dad's transfer, mom had to move to Canada with Tiffany and me.


"Tina, are you excited ?" Mom asked as she was driving.

"Yes mom, I'm so excited" I said happily. "Finally I'll meet my sister!" I squealed.

Mom chuckled and said "I'm happy for you"

"But mom, I'll miss you" I said while pouting.

"You're my brave girl, Tina, and you will be with your sis in grade B" mom gave me a glance and smiled.

"But mom, my fees card is showing that I'm in Grade A" I said to her puzzled.

Her eyes widened i fear but fear of what?

"O-okay uh we're here lets go, Tina"

"Um okay" I said confused about her mood swing.

We went into airport and my mom said "Tina, you're a grown up girl and I want you to keep a secret"

"But mom, you know that I can't keep secrets" I pouted.

"But you have to, for me" she said with pain in her eyes and I instantly nodded "Remember when I thought you to mask your scent so no one can figure that you can shift?" She asked and I again nodded "You have to do it there always, you can shift only when no one's watching or is around you and second if you are in a trouble. Promise me, Tina." She said with tears in her eyes.

"I promise mom" with that I hugged her tightly.


I've arrived America and am in taxi on my way to pack house.

"We're there kid" taxi driver announced.

"Thank you so much" I said and got out of taxi.

Taking my luggage I made my way inside of pack house.

"Hi! I'm Stella and you?" A blonde girl greeted me when I was walking.

"Hey, I'm Tina. Nice to meet you" I smiled.

"Same here" she said." What's your grade!?! I mean in which grade are you?"

"Grade A and you?" I said.

"Same but Grade A is the most unluckiest grade" she said.

"How come?" I asked confused

" you'll figure it out soon" she said and gave me a weak smile.

As we were walking I saw someone. A really cute -or beautiful or whatever you wanna say- boy with beautiful brown hair wearing sunglasses and talking and and laughing with other boys. I stopped and started to stare at him. His smile is to die for. He's so-

'Tina! You have a mate lurking around. You just can't cheat on him!' Athena said angrily.

'How can I cheat on someone who I don't even know?' I asked.

'Shut up! Yo-' I blocked her before she could say anything else.

I felt something weird towards him and it's crazy as I don't even know his name.

And then a girl appeared on the scene, non other than my sis, Tiffany, and they hugged each other and kissed.

"Who-who is this guy with Tiffany?" I asked Stella in a weak voice.

"How do you know her? But anyways, he's Blake Daniels our future alpha."

"Oh" was all that I said.

*end of flashback*

I wish I never came here, I wish that I was in Canada with my parents, I can only wish.

I sighed and looked down in my lap. Then I felt someone staring at me, as I was about figure out I saw Gabriella in my vision.



And then red.

No way!


Sorry for late update+lame and short chapter+cliffhanger :'(

Thnx ya luv for 300 reads.😱

*not edited

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