Chapter Three

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"Damn!" I yelled.

The class got silent and Mr Smith watched me with and annoyed expression. But I couldn't care less since someone needed me, badly!

"Miss Turner, you should check your language first and then remember that you're in a classroom" Mr Smith said.

"I don't care." I looked at him with my red almost black lens, which he got scared of.

This happens to me when I'm angry and it's kinda scary.

"Tina, you should respect your elders" The bitch herself said.

"Tiffany, don't freaking tell me what to do." I glared at her from the other side of the room.

"You're a bitch" she muttered under her breath and I heard it.

"You know what? Go and get f*cked by a donkey" After that without hearing any other comments I left the class and ran following Stella's scent.

After what seemed like forever I came to a dark classroom and heard faint sobs coming from inside of it.

I entered the room and saw Stella curled up in a ball crying.

"Stella" I called for her softly as I kneeled down beside her.

"Tina" she cried out and hugged me and I hugged her back comforting her.

"Tina he left me" she cried" he said I'm weak and he said I reject you" she cried even more.

"Same" I whispered.

"Same thing happened to you today?" She looked at me with her puffy eyes.

With the tears in my eyes I nodded and she hugged me again, and cried.

After a while she asked me with her hoarse voice "who?"

Knowing that what is she talking about I replied with a sigh "Alpha Blake"

She nodded and we went silent for a while.

"Samuel" she said and started to cry.

Samuel........samuel... Who is he again......arrr.....

As I was trying to remember him I heard Stella crying out loud.

"Shh Stella, everything's going to be okay" as I was comforting her my brain worked and I remembered Samuel.

The second biggest player of the pack. Also Stella had a crush on him. Screw that b*tch! I so wanna kill him......

"How'd you know that I got rejected, Tina?" Stella asked me.

"Six sense" I replied to her as she was rubbing her eyes with her shirt's sleeve.

"Oh" was all she said.

"Uh I think we should go home" I suggested but she declined saying "we don't want to give them the satisfaction of being weak while we're not"

I nodded in agreement and stood up. We started to make our way towards class.

Let me tell you that what was the six sense that I mentioned.

I named it six sense because it sort of fits.

This thing is like I can hear what other people are thinking, even if they are werewolves, vampires or human and I can know if they're evil, good negative or positive and all. Second thing only works with grade A since I'm connected to them. I see the person in my visions which means something is happening with them, if I see blue it means they found there mate, after that I see purple which means they met eachother and if I see green it means they accept each other and if red it means rejection.

That was the reason why I was wishing to see green for Stella but instead I saw red.

As we entered the class I remembered something.



AN: thnx for reading.

Sorry it's short but I'll try to make other chapters longer.

Vote and comment if you want to ;))

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