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matthew orion
the free spirited

summer camp of 2008, ramona kavinsky had the pleasure of befriending matthew from cabin two. though their goodbyes came along no later than they had expected, it was good while it lasted. she was prepared for the not-so-sorrow parting, but that didn't exactly prevent the minor heartbreak that came after.

he was as refreshing as a spray of water during a boiling day. matthew orion was the epitome of fun. he would take on everything that the world threw at him with a laugh and a headstart. when the younger kids were unsure about activities that were handed to them, matt knew exactly how to transform the kids' weariness into exhilaration.

when it was time to part, matt had said, "the hugo hungry handshake? for old times' sake?"
the hugo hungry handshake was the silly routine the heads of the camps would force them to do every morning, that was probably why ramona often jerks her hands without noticing, the amusing daily torture had made the handshake fresh in her muscles.

for the next few weeks, all ramona could dream about was the campfire the group of twenty three kids sat around each night. she could remember the laughs that erupted when ghost stories were told, despite the soundless dreams.

the time she had with matthew orion—who was as free spirited as ramona had always wished she could be–was over too soon and the goodbye was far too permanent, and for quite some time, she couldn't find anything that made her feel as free as the summer she had with him.

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