Zayn smiled and began to undo his blouse. "I love it when you get all protective and shove the law in my face."

"What can I say? I spend all day reading law books. Might as well pretend I have fully fulfilled the goal of having my dream profession."

He smiled a sad smile. "Oh, you'll get there Niall. I promise."

He let the blouse fall to the floor, so that there was nothing but his bare chest showing. Then he fell face forward onto his bed next to Niall. As happy and as surprised as he was to have this job, he sure hoped it didn't turn out to be a nightmare. Hopefully he could figure out a way to keep Harry satisfied. For his sake, for Harry's sake and for Carla's.


Harry had been sitting at his desk adding new things to his agenda when he heard a knock on his door. Usually his employees knew better than to knock on his door when it was closed. So with a confused expression on his face, he rose to his feet and went to answer the door. He was still looking that way when he saw who was standing in front of him.

"Good morning Mr. Styles."

He only stared. It was the same person from yesterday. His assistant. Only he wasn't wearing high heels and a skirt. He didn't have long curly hair either. He had on men's dress shoes, a suit and tie and his hair was about two and a half inches long. He looked like... a man.

"Uhm, is something wrong?" Zayn asked.

Harry came to his senses. "Oh, no. Sorry. It's just that you look different."

"I know."

Harry shoved his hands in his pockets. "What do I call you? Well, I mean I know to call you sir but do I refer to you as Zayn or Veronica when you look like this?"

Zayn smiled a little, not really being bothered by his question. He understood his confusion and appreciated his curtesy in that he didn't want to assume anything. "If it makes you more comfortable, you may call me Zayn today or any day I look like this. But I am Veronica on days like yesterday. As long as you remember that, I'm fine."

Harry nodded. "Will do."


They stood there staring at each other. "The reason I'm here is because I believe you have to sign me in like you did yesterday. Do you have a little bit of time to do that?"

"Right. Sorry." he said and he took his hands from his pockets. In one of them he held his card. "Come on. Let's go."

They left his office and took the private elevator down to the ground floor. After reaching the scanner, Harry scanned the card underneath it. He tapped a few buttons and it took him to the sign in screen. "Your four digit pin number please."

Zayn was surprised when Harry automatically stepped back so he could do it himself. And not only that, he turned his head away. He must have remembered from yesterday. Despite being the egotistic person he came off as yesterday, he did show a little bit of respect for a change. It felt good. He put his pin number in and signed himself in.

Harry didn't speak again until they were walking back to the elevator. "Nice suit."

"Thank you. I wore it because it's picture day."

"Are you aware it will only capture your face and not your clothing?"

"I am well aware. I just think that if I'm going to have a card with a picture that identifies me, then it should at least match my driver's license. And I don't look like a woman on my driver's license."

Harry hummed as they got on the elevator again. "Is this something you always do?"

"What do you mean?"

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