Chapter Thirteen

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Third Person P.O.V

Harry went to Draco's house after seeing the doctors. The doctor assured Sirius Harry was just fine and prescribed more epi pens just in case. So Sirius dropped Harry off at Draco's.

"Draco!" Harry piped and swung his arms around Draco.

"Hi prince, how was the doctors?"

"I hate the doctors." Harry moped.

"Aww but you're okay yeah?" Draco asked and sat on the couch. Harry followed but put his head in Draco's lap.

"Yeah they gave papa more medicine for me though."

"Well that's good, what do you wanna do?" Draco asked and Harry sighed. He sat up and then put his lips to Draco's. Draco kissed him back and then they pulled away.

"I wanted to kiss you." Harry giggled.

"Well you're an awesome kisser." Draco smirked. "Where did you learn how to kiss?" Draco asked bluntly. Harry blushed and looked down starting to play with Draco's hem.

"Mione told me how to. We didn't kiss or anything but I asked her and she explained it." He said and Draco's breath caught in his throat when Harry's hands gently brushed his stomach.

"Well remind me to thank her." Draco chuckled breathlessly and then wrapped his arms around Harry. Harry snuggled against Draco's chest and let out a breath.

"Can we go get pizza?"

"Of course love." The two got up and Draco grabbed Harry's hand. They got outside and Harry sighed.

"Draco can you give me a piggy back ride?" Harry asked and Draco smirked. He stopped walking and squatted down so Harry can hop up. Harry did and when Draco stood up he giggled. "My Uncle Moony always used to give me piggy back rides."

"Ah and he's stopped?" Draco asked steadying himself and then started to walk.

"Yeah, when I started high school." Harry explained. "He doesn't come around much anymore."

"Did you used to come around?"

"Well um after I came from the other family, he was one of the first people I met. He came around a lot. He doesn't come around much... ever since we started dating." Harry's voice trailed off and then he dropped his head.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

"What if he stopped seeing me because he's mad at me? Maybe he doesn't think I'm his godson anymore."

"Aww prince, I don't think that's the case. Maybe he's just busy with his new girlfriend." Harry sniffled and buried his face into Draco's hat.

"I guess." He sighed. "Papa is real upset about that. It seems like everyone is dating but him."
"Well maybe he'll find himself a nice man."

"I dunno papa says no one likes to date an ex c-convict." He stated. "Draco, what does convict mean?" He asked and Draco swallowed hard tensing up a bit.

"It's someone who has been in prison." He said with a little hesitation. "Harry prince, was Sirius ever in jail?"

"I dunno." Harry answered honestly. "When I was taken by him he told me he'd tell me when I was older. That was five years ago."

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