Chapter Twelve

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Harry's P.O.V

"Draco!" I whined. "Give me a hint." I groaned and he smirked. I was gonna wipe that smirk off his face.

"Not at all my prince you will wait until Friday, Christmas day, to find out what I got you." He told me and I moaned.

"Draco! Please?" I begged and he chuckled shaking his head.

"No. You'll have to be patient." He told me and I pouted my bottom lip out. He smiled widely and wrapped his arm around me. We were sitting in the lunchroom with my friends.

"Oh just give him a hint Malfoy." Ron said and Hermione swatted him.

"No don't. Harry be patient, it's just two days away." Hermione said and I pouted. I looked over to Neville and Dean giving them a pleading look.

"Sorry Harry, you're gonna have to wait." Neville blushed and I pouted. Draco chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Sorry love, they're with me on this one." He teased and I sighed.

"Fine but then I'll have tickle it out of you." I told him and danced my fingers along his ribcage. He didn't flinch and I pouted even more.

"Sorry love, I'm not ticklish but now I'm curious to see if you are." He told and then proceeded to tickle me. I let out a loud giggle and begged him to stop. He refused and kept tickling me and I fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Draco!" I called and he smiled widely.

"I'll stop if you tell me I'm a sexy beast." He told me and continued tickling me.


"Say it Harry."

"N-no!" I giggled and he tickled more.

"Say it prince."

"Y-you're a-a sexy beast!" I gasped and he stopped. I allowed my breath to come back before jumping up and sitting on him. "Pay back." I stuck out my tongue and he pouted.

"That's not nice Harry." He told me and I leaned close to his face.

"Sometimes I'm not nice." I teased and he smiled then kissed my nose.

"Oh well excuse me." He said and I giggled.

"Can I know now?"

"Nope." He smirked and I sighed.

"Fine I'll wait."

"Yes you will." He wrapped his arms around and rested his head on my back. I shifted in his lap and then felt a poking on my lower side.

"Draco, you do you have a pencil in your pocket? Something is poking me." I told him and him face turned crimson. He coughed slightly and shifted me off his lap.

"I um need to use the bathroom, you stay here." He told me and I nodded. He kissed my head and trotted off.

"Do you think he's alright?" I asked and everyone's eyes were on me. "What?"

"He had a b-" Ron started but Hermione cut him off.

"He had nothing. He's fine Harry. You need to eat." She told me and I sighed.

"Fine." I mumbled and took a bit of my tuna fish.

"Anyway, what did you get Draco?" Hermione asked.

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