Chapter Seven

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Draco's P.O.V

I left my house after saying goodbye to my parents and promising I won't be late for curfew. I walked to Harry's house which was only about a ten minute walk. I checked the time and it was five minutes to half passed six. I straightened out my attire, which consisted of black skinny jeans and a nice green V-neck. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

"No Harry, I'm getting it." His pa's voice was muffled through the door.

"But he's my date." Harry announced.

"I'm the adult." He said and then the door swung open. I gulped and smiled at the man.

"Punctual." He nodded and I smiled.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Come in." He motioned for me to come in and I walked in. He brought me to the living room where Harry was sitting with another man. One I didn't recognize.

"Draco!" Harry called and ran over to me. He embraced me in a hug and I smiled hugging him back. He was wearing blue fitted jeans and a red polo shirt. He looked pretty cute.

"Hey Harry, are you excited?" I asked.

"Yes!" He piped and smiled. He took me by the hand bringing me further into the room. "This is my uncle Remus."

"Nice to meet you sir." I stuck out my hand and he took it. He shook it and smiled.

"Remus, nice to meet you Draco, please sit." He said. I sat on the sofa behind me. Harry sat next to me; our hands still intertwined. Harry's pa came in and sat on the other chair.

"Now Draco, why are you suddenly interested in Harry?" He asked and I glanced at Harry before answering.

"Well sir, I never really noticed Harry until I accidently punched him. He is in my year and classes but I never actually got to meet him. I had heard things about him but I never made an effort until that day in the bathroom." I explained and he took that as an answer.

"Okay I accept. I will allow you to date my godson." He said. "Now I have to set some rules because this is new to Harry. You will be home by ten." He said and I nodded. My curfew was 11. "If Harry is uncomfortable, you take him back home or somewhere he feels safer." He said and I nodded. "Don't touch him inappropriately. Don't do anything he is uncomfortable with." He said and Harry groaned softly. "Most importantly, no sex." He said and I felt my face grow hot as Harry coughed awkwardly.

"Papa, we're not gonna do anything of that." He groaned. "We're just going on a date."

"I assure you sir, we'll be safe."

"Where do you plan on taking him?" He asked.

"I was thinking the pizzeria down the street and then to the fair." I answered and he


"Okay, Harry leave the room. I need to talk to Draco." He said and I gulped.

"Papa." Harry groaned.

"It's fine Harry." I said and he nodded. He got up and left the room. I turned the men.

"Draco." The other man, Remus, spoke up for the first time. "We're gonna give you the

littlest of detail on Harry. Maybe if you two are still together in six months, we'll tell you more. What you need to know is Harry has been though his first ten years of life than a normal kid your age. I presume you noticed his... mental immaturity?"

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