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* flash of light*

I blinked open my eyes. My sensor's scanned the area. My processor didn't compute with it. Where am I? I tried to get up, but my legs were shaky. I then felt someone support me. I looked up to face the person whom had my arm around his shoulder.

" Hello, Yukiko." he smiled.

" Who are you?" I whispered. The man's smile faded and lead me to a mirror. Was that me? I saw a girl with silver wavy hair and pure white skin. My eyes were the same icy blue as the man's. I stood there in what in what you might call shock.

" You call me, Yuki. What am I to call you?"

The man smiled and stroked his fingers through my hair. " You can call me Zane."

Few years later....

My name is Yukiko Juliean. I am the daughter of Zane Julien, the Master of Ice. I never did meet my mother. Father talked about how I had her silver hair, and snow white skin. He told me about how much I took after he. When he did talk about her though, I sensed grief, and regret hidden in his words. I still remember him with his blue glass eyes filled with sadness looking into his scanners looking for something that wasn't there. When he looked at me, he alway gave me the biggest smiled than ever. Now, I don't remember much about my past, only pieces. Because of that attack from them.

I was dark and the attackers vicious. I remember staring into her red, techo eyes. I turned to look at my father with the look of fear on my face. The floor bloody with his black blood.

" Father?" I whispered to him. He managed to put a worried smile on his face.

" I wish our time together hadn't fallen so short. The reason that I'm about to do this is because I love you, Yuki, and so does your mother." a single touch then darkness.

Now I'm trying to uncover the missing pieces of my memory bank. So that I may find my Father and Mother so that we may be a compatible family once again. 

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