Part 8

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I heard running footsteps behind the door coming to a halt as the latch was unlocked and the door flew open. Jake stood holding the door open looking slightly flustered and anxious, he had changed since school into some gray sweatpants and a black Y&R t shirt.

"Hey McKenna." he laughed "Come on in."

I giggled "Whats so funny?" I asked as I stepped inside.

"Oh nothing, I just kinda tripped when I was coming downstairs to get the door." He said as he closed the door behind me.

"Oh geez are you ok?"

"Oh yea Im fine, it happens." He led us through a completely bare living room space to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry to thirsty or anything?" He asked as he opened the fridge.

"Maybe just some water."

"Sure thang." He got a glass from the cupboard and filled it up from the tap and handed it to me.

"So all my homework is up in my room, wanna go get started?" He asked as he grabbed a gatorade from the fridge. I felt my anxiety rise a bit but I quickly pushed it down.

"Sure lets go."

We went upstairs and I saw Myles at the end of the hall which Im guessing was his room working on some music on his giant computer screen. We went into the room next door to Myles which seemed a bit smaller by what I could see by quickly passing by.

His room had built in white shelving all around the room with he exception of a mirrored sliding closet, a built in bed with the white shelves all around it and a built in white tabletop in front of the window which held his computer and other desk supplies. The shelves were for the most part pretty clear except fro the occasional folded clothes or random water bottles. He plopped down on the bed where his backpack was laying so I sat down next to him.

He pulled out his book and then stopped and looked at me. "Sorry I just need to get this out of the way." He leaned close to me and then gently attached his lips to mine. At first I was stunned but then I went for it and kissed him back. After what only felt like 2 seconds he pulled back and looked at me. "Ive been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you."

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