Beginning Years: Folklore and Early History as Recorded Lorietta Finch

Comenzar desde el principio

The stunned refugees stepped onto the soft sand, and were silent. They had been at sea so long, that they had forgotten what it felt like to stand on dry land. They felt an incredible sense of pride and joy that they had been the ones to live, to survive the journey. At the same time, they felt an overwhelming loss as they recalled all of their loved ones who had been lost on the way here. Tears pricked in their eyes. Their family should be here too, witnessing this beautiful scenery and feeling the cool grains of sand on their toes. But they weren't... And they never would be.

Every person bowed their heads in memory of their lost friends and family. Not a single soul hadn't been affected by the sickness. Everyone had lost someone dear to them. A young man with snowy skin and icy eyes raised his voice in a prayer for the spirits of the dead and begged the Gods to give them good fortune in the after life. He finished with a thanks that those left had survived the harsh trip. All were silent in a moment of reverence to their immortal Gods.

Albert Finch Senior called out while standing from a crouch," Let us make camp on the beach. We can send a small expedition into the hills to look for a more suitable place to stay."

The crowd murmured in agreement, and the men stepped forward to join the exploring team. They left in a hurry, not only wanting to explore their new abode, but to hunt for meat. Meat was a delicacy that they hadn't enjoyed for years, and they hoped to catch some venison to feed the hungry masses. They set off into the hills, hoping to make their wives proud with the prizes they brought back from their search.

With sighs, women boarded the distasteful ship and began unloading valuables and blankets onto the shore. They made haste while putting together the camp, and the few men who had been chosen to guard the ladies watched them with a fierce sense of duty and need to protect them. After all, the women had made it this far, and the men wouldn't let any force on land or sea harm a hair on their heads.

Those left behind began to come out of their forlorn stupor, and many women began to sing. They sang louder and with more vigor with every minute that passed, until every soul on the beach, men included, were filling the air with the sound of their raised voices. Ladies danced with each other, and young maidens teased the guardsmen with winks and sly grins. A bonfire was started in the center of the camp, and golden-yellow embers filled the air. They swirled lazily in the late afternoon sky, and spiraled in couples.

This cheerful attitude continued for several hours, and throughout all of them, the expedition team did not return. As stars awoke from their daytime slumber, wives began to worry for their husbands. The singing continued, but it took on a lilting tone filled with anxiety. Some of the guards began to tell stories, hoping to distract the ladies from their uneasiness.

That was when they heard it; the sounds of horses galloping in the distance. Confusion and fear darkened the hearts of the group gathered on the beach. None of the men who had gone on the expedition had a horse.

Hazy shapes of emerged from misty clouds that had settled on the hills. They approached quickly; with every second they grew in size and clarity. The guards pulled out dull blades and stood in front of he maidens.

"Put your weapons away humans." A voice boomed across the bay.

The women pulled into a tight circle, pushing the youngest in the middle. They looked around suspiciously for the source of the words. The guardsmen lifted their swords higher, ready to attack anything that moved.

"PUT YOUR BLADES DOWN AND KNEEL TO THE EMPRESS!" The voice roared the words, and the sand vibrated. The sentinels reluctantly dropped their blades.

The voice did not speak again, and the people turned their attention to the figures stepping onto the beach.
Five of the humanoids rode on horses, and the rest walked around them.

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