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I can't start off by saying it was a normal day to begin with because it was not. It was the opposite of ordinary, completely contradicting my usual morning routines.

Everything seemed slow, dull and tiresome. I knew it was not my usual morning laziness, it was something different. The air was dry and sour. The temperature was hot but at the same time cold.

I couldn't quite place my finger on the strange sensation I felt before I left my house. I was not scared of ghouls to begin with, to me they seemed like the rest of us. And I most certainly was not afraid to walk to work today.

But the strange feeling followed me, walking behind me with its breath tickling the back of my neck. It made my skin crawl not knowing what made me so uneasy.

It was December, Tokyo was experiencing a mild snow storm today, which would carry out for the rest of the week. I made my way to the train station, walking calmly through the crowd I finally entered the train.

It was as if the feeling had pranced its way into my mind. 'This is really irritating.' I needed to get a hold of myself, or it would greatly impact my health. Both body and mind.

The sickening feeling almost had a smell. Was I imagining this, or is there really a smell. I noticed a few people had noticed this as well. The feeling I had in the pit of my stomach reached its climax.

I clenched my jaw, inhaling sharply. Trying to stay as calm as possible couldn't be worse in a train. The feeling, the strange sensation really had been something. More like someone, I was the only one that noticed so far. A ghoul eating a human on the other rails.

The rotting stench of blood seemed to peel through the trains metal. And for a moment I caught a glimpse of the ghouls eyes. We made eye contact for as little as a second, and the train bolted out as soon as I looked away.

- time skip -

The feeling had left as abruptly as it came. I never knew why it started to begin with. However it ended as soon as I looked at that ghoul. 'Could he have been watching me?'

I was done with my work, I worked in buildings specialized in weaponry development against ghouls. At first I only worked as a secretary, then as an advisor, and now I'm Vice President of the company.

I only need to make appearances if any large amount of our equipment is being sold. It was no surprise that I myself aside from manufacturing and creating the weapons, tested their usage.

However unlike other members involved in so, I didn't kill ghouls. I wouldn't kill a human or a ghoul, ever. I had traumatized myself enough on the train ride here, so I decide to take a cab home.

I took my briefcase along with my phone and entered the cab. There was already two people inside and I was forced in between the two males.

One of the males started a conversation with the cab driver, and the other was texting on his phone. Both where in their early teens. I noticed a police line ahead and immediately got worried to see the streets deserted.

"That's odd, usually in scenes like these there always a large crowd." One of the males said. The cab driver grunted, "I should turn back, in case of trouble." As he was pulling away something had landed on the roof, something very large.

The man texting had started to scream, and only then did I notice the half eaten cop corpse on top of the car. "It's a ghoul!" Up ahead a ghoul was charging at us. Along with several CCG officers.

However we noticed in horror they where all running away from a collapsing building. "My god..." I nudged the driver who was in his late forties. "Sir, step on it, we might avoid some damage."

But it was no use, the people running away had long been devoured by the crumbling buildings debris. "we- we're going to die." By now the two man had lost their hope and sanity, and the driver was more than prepared for death.

Surely enough I almost couldn't believe it until I felt it. Shards of glass where flying everywhere, rods of metal where crashing around us. It was like a storm, cold and unforgiving.

I turned to my sides when it all stopped. Looking around, the car was destroyed, and the driver was dead. I failed to notice both my companions where a mutilated mess. Their limbs had been long torn apart with the door, and the glass had hit them, forming a shield of sorts, around me.

I felt drowsy, and tired. Very tired. My body was numb and cold, I couldn't feel anything. Only when I faced dead center did I notice the metal rod piercing through my abdomen. I'm too tired. I can't feel anything, I can't see anything.

I can't even move to try and pull it out, I couldn't feel pain, I couldn't feel anything, I was too tired. "I can't move at all..." I managed to moved to the side. As soon as I did I felt my clothes drenched in blood. The last I remembered was seeing my own reflexion in one of the glass shards though one of the mans neck.

I looked scared, I was crying, and I was slowly losing consciousness.

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