Saloonatics!Edd x Reader

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For BethLovesNoodle.


Running through the busy streets, you clutched a box close to your chest. "Sheriff!" You yelled. "Sheriff Tomson!" You burst through the front the salon door and all attention was brought on you.

"What is it?" Groaned the one-eyed sheriff as he got up from his comfy wooden seat and walked over to you.

"I-I found some nails..." You said holding up the box.

Tomson grinned and gave you a hard pat on the back. "Good work (L/n)! Let me treat you to a drink." He said and lead you over to the bar.

"You know I don't drink Sheriff..." You trailed.

"Don't be a stickler 'bout it," Tomson said as you sat next to a man dressed in green. "Bartender! Get this fellow some of your finest juice!"

You blushed a bit from embarrassment as the Bartender nodded and went under the counter. "Th-thank you."

"You did a good deed today," Tom said as the Bartender placed your drink in front of you. He flipped the man a coin. "We need more people like you in this hell hole." He picked up the box and left to do who knows what.

You sipped your drink in silence when you felt a pair of eyes on you. You looked up to see the man you were siting next to staring at you. "C-can I help you?"

"OH! Uhh. I'm sorry." He blushed. "I'm Edd Gold. Detective, Gold." He said offering his hand.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." You said shaking his hand. "You ain't from around here. Are ya?"

"Is it that obvious?" He panicked.

You laughed. "You got a funny accent." Edd blushed. "What bring you to town 'Tective?"

"I'm looking for a lost prince." He sighed. "And I've had no luck so far on a solid lead..."

You frowned before finishing off your drink. "Well. If you need any help at all, come and get me. I'm happy to help." You got up from the bar and began to walk out. "See you 'round 'Tective." You winked and left the establishment. Little did you know that you also left a captivated and blushing Englishman in your wake.



Another short one!


Uhhh yeah....

Still working on requests so a new one is in your future!

Ace out!

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