Chapter 6 | Pressure

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a/n: sorry for not updating in a while. writer's block sucks and personal issues do too. and I finally managed to update my oneshot book after erasing all of my stuff aha. also I'm very, very sorry for the lil rants that I posted. this past couple of weeks have been hell for me, I guess. especially this week. I may be suffering, but I'm doing it with a smile ;D

song ; pressure // the 1975

As soon as my first class was dismissed, I head for the corridors. Everybody was dragging themselves around to their next class while I was trying to get outside.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard crying in the bathroom. I would've ignored it but the cries were all too familiar.

I sighed and headed for the boys' bathroom. And there he was, sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest, sobbing his heart out.

"Leo? What's wrong?" He jumped at the sound of my voice.

Butters looked up at me quickly before drying his tears with his sweater sleeve, shaking his head. "Aw, ain't nothin' important."

I sat down beside him and pulled out a cigarette, "bullshit. You want one?" I was surprised when he nodded and grabbed one from the packet.

I hand him the lighter.

"Hey, uhm, I'm sorry about the fight. It was stupid and childish of me and I'm really, really sincerely sorry, Leo."

"It's okay, Kenny. I forgive you," he smiles before taking a drag of the cigarette.

"So, what's wrong, dude?"

"Oh, uhm. Well, relationship problems I guess," he shrugs.

I raise an eyebrow, "you're in a relationship and you didn't tell anybody? Not even me?"

Butters sighs as he lets out some smoke from his mouth, "I didn't want anybody to give me shit for it. I was gonna tell you, and I even planned it out and everything, I was just too scared too. Plus, they really didn't want us to 'be out'."

"You're playing the pronoun game with me. Now, is it a guy or a girl or nonbinary?"

Butters looks at me, "you won't laugh at me? Promise?"

"Butters, I will never laugh at you. It's a guy, isn't it. With you being bi and whatnot."


I take a drag of my cigarette, "knew it."

Butters laughs, "yeah, I guess so. I have a question."

"Yeah, shoot."

"What's up with you and Craig? I don't believe the rumors, 'cause you'd tell me, even if we were fighting. But I just wanna personally ask you-"

"That's bullshit, Butters. Everyone's a fuckin' lie. I ain't fuckin' him and everyone knows it. Jesus, he's scared of me."


"Oh, shit. Well, uhm, yeah. There was an incident that happened last Friday and he's all shook up 'bout it. I don't really wanna go into further detail."

"Okay. You don't have to if you don't want to, Ken." Butters stubs his cigarette out. "Hey, what brand is that?"

"Oh no. I made a monster." I laugh.

"Ha ha, very funny," he rolls his eyes, "but no, I'm serious Ken."

"I'm not tellin'."

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