7: The Same Old You (2)

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Now it was my turn to laugh. "You can say whatever you want to about me, but it still does not change the fact that you were so gong ho for my dick. What has it been? 5, 7 years? You are talking so much shit about everyone but yourself. You seem to forget that you are trash. How can you keep betraying loyal ass people like Aaliyah and Karla? It does not get any better than having people like them behind you, but you are just like every other desperate self-destructive bitch in the world. All that you think about is yourself and that is exactly why you will always be alone. That is why when your ass dies noone will even show up for your funeral. You are fucking pathetic and I honestly have no idea why anyone would waste even a second on you", I said harshly before turning myself and Aaliyah away from the stunned whore and the crowd that we had attracted. I need a damn cigarette and maybe even a drink after that bullshit.

"You fucking her, ain't you!? That's why you so team Aaliyah ain't it? 'Cause she giving you pussy now you act like she is the the holy grail. What does she have that I don't?!", she yelled halting us. Before I could say anything my baby girl had shrugged my arm from around her shoulders and went stood toe to toe with her. "What Zayn and I do has nothing to do with you. It is nobody's business but ours. I could give you a long list of things that I have that you do not, but it is like he said. You are not worth the time. You have no idea how many people have told me that you are not worth my time, but because you were my friend, I held you down. When you would cry about some little boy breaking your heart, I was there. When your daddy died, I was there. When you got so fucked up at that party and had to go to the hospital, I was there. When you was almost raped by that boy, I was there. I got that boy off you because you were too gone to protect yourself eventhough he was twice my size and could have hurt me too. I was there. I was always there and you throw everything I have ever done for you back in my face like it is nothing? Do not talk to me ever again. I am done being a fool for you to use. Just for you to have a clue about what I have that you lack, proper grammer. 'Ain't', it is 'aren't' or 'are not'. Say what you want to say, but keep my name out of your mouth. Keep Karla's name out of your mouth. If you have a problem with someone you take it up with them directly. I apologize for not being worthy of you considering me a real friend. Have a nice life, Jamya", then my baby girl was briskly walking towards me.

She was about to pass me when I caught her by the arm. She looked up at me and I could see my reflection in her glossed with tears eyes before she jerked away from me and continued on her way. I wanted to go after her, but Karla beat me it. I watched them go before glancing towards Jamya stood looking smug like she had accomplished a life goal or something and just shook my head before walking away. I had gone to the local pub right outside of campus to grab a drink, something I do not do often. I needed a distraction.

My baby girl was hurt. I knew she was. It was in her eyes and I knew that look all too well. I had seen it on many girls' faces when they realized that nothing would become of us after our brief fling was over. I had seen it on my face when I looked in the mirror after my grandfather died. It was the look of heartache and devastation. It was the look of someone that felt utterly at a loss for words.

It was like 'What could you say?' I have no idea how long I had been there before my cousin showed up looking every bit of emotionally drain as he probably was. I looked up at him staring into my half-empty glass, releasing the smoke from my spliff into the air.

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