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Clouds of dust flew across the horizon. Two dragons, perhaps a few hundreds of years old, fighting and arguing. Nobody bothered to stop them. After all, it was common here. Blood, wounds, and scars. The new and old. A hippogriff then suddenly stood between the dragons. "What in the world?" The first dragon asked. "Hey! We're settling stuff over here! If you don't want to get hurt, rare beast, then trot off." The second one yelled. A girl looked to be about seventeen walked up next to the hippogriff. "I apologize, my fine beast-men, I just saw a fit being thrown and decided to step in. What's the problem?" She asked. "The problem, now, is you little girl!" The second dragon yelled. The girl's eyes gleamed a menacing green under her hood. "If you don't lower your voice, you will be the one getting hurt, not my grand eagle stallion." She said. Her voice was as cold as an iceberg, waiting to create an avalanche of snow in mere moments. The first dragon backed off, seeming to understand the situation. The second didn't. "Oh? A little girl? Against me? A few hundreds of years old dragon?" He challenged. The girl took out a wand. "A mage, I see." He said, spreading his wings. "I eat mages for breakfast." With a flap of his great wings, the wand flew out of the girl's hand. "Hah!" The dragon exclaimed. Now distracted, the girl pulled out a sword from behind and lunged at the dragon. The dragon moved to the side, making the girl cut his wing. Never had the dragon's heart beat so fast. The girl licked a bead of blood from the sword. "That was only a minor cut. Keep coming at me and I'll drive my blade straight into your dragon heart." She said. The dragon puffed out a cloud of black smoke and rushed off. She gave a sigh as she picked up her wand and pulled down her hood. Her blonde hair was in a high ponytail. "Well, now that that's been taken care of, let's eat, shall we, Thuhnderheart?" She asked, turning to her hippogriff. The hippogriff nodded. The girl climbed onto Thuhnderheart and trotted forward. "This is certainly not how I imagined the West Gate. I heard it was wrecked majorly, but I didn't think that it was now a wasteland. I believe beasts changed the name to the Western Wastelands?" She asked Thuhnderheart. The hippogriff didn't respond. He just kept trotting. The girl placed her sword back in the sheath strapped to her back. She smiled at how the cloak covered the sword completely. "It's been about ten years, but I remember it like yesterday when I first put on this cloak. It was huge over my tiny body." She said to herself. She then laughed. "I wonder if anyone noticed that even though hippogriffs are rare, you're rarer. A hippogriff with all four horse legs? That's one-of-a-kind!" She exclaimed to Thuhnderheart. He nodded, arriving to a small, wooden building. "Perhaps the beasts in there can spare a few drinks." She muttered, walking in with Thuhnderheart.

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