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(First, I want to say, sorry about chapter 24. It came late because I forgot to publish it and second, I want to say be careful from here on out in my story because there might be some scenes with blood or violence or the such. If you have something against it or any problem with it, DO NOT READ FURTHER!!! If you don't then, please enjoy.)

Reaching the chimera territory edge, Marcrya slid off from Zhuu. "Gildgreev, did you go to the North Woodlands?" She asked. "No. I didn't. Although, I did receive a battle calling." He responded. "You didn't bother to help?!" Marcrya asked angrily. Gildgreev shook his head. Taking the arrowhead out of the bag, Marcrya merged that with the tooth and created a dagger. "I HATE YOU!" With that, Marcrya lunged at him. She cut his right wing, making him screech and squawk with agony and surprise. Zhuu gave a low growl from his lion head. "Marcrya, please, do no-" "HE KILLED MY FAMILY!" Marcrya cut the goat head. "Calm down!" The lion head roared. The other griffin in the Slash Clan started flapping his wings at Marcrya. The kelpie whinnied and neighed at her. Arkrai was fighting the dragon. "This is what you all deserve!" Marcrya said, climbing onto Zhuu. Zhuu, you will obey me. Understand? Marcrya asked. A growl came from the lion head. With the dagger, Marcrya slashed at Gildgreev while Zhuu ran into the group. Marcrya jumped off and latched onto the hippogriff. It thrashed and struggled and kicked, trying to get Marcrya off. She didn't give up. Zhuu was fending off the manticores.  Marcrya gripped onto the hippogriff. "Shut it!" She yelled. The hippogriff gave a shutter as it stopped and looked into Marcrya's eyes. With a kick, the hippogriff ran towards Gildgreev. The other griffin jumped in front. Marcrya stopped the hippogriff, drawing her dagger. "Don't touch him." The griffin said. "Out of my way!" Marcrya cried. "Over your dead body." He said. Jumping off the hippogriff, Marcrya went on the griffin and stabbed him. He screeched and thrashed. Before Marcrya could get to Gildgreev, the dragon roared. Marcrya noticed that that means to retreat. She jumped onto the hippogriff once again and stopped it. "Not you." She said. The others all left except the hippogriff. Zhuu and Arkrai went to Marcrya. The hippogriff screeched in fear. "Doesn't seem like you know how to talk so I'll just talk to you. Nod and shake your head in response. Understand?" Marcrya asked. The hippogriff nodded. "Was Gildgreev close to you?" He shook his head. "Do you know much about him?" Again, a shake of his head. "Is the dragon the leader of the Slash Clan?" A nod. "Do you know how to talk at all?" No answer. The hippogriff only tilted his head. A screech came. "I don't understand that." Marcrya said. "It's certainly griffin tongue, but not the one I read or understand." The hippogriff knelt down and laid his head on the ground to Marcrya. "In most cases, this action states surrender or such like submission. Is that it?" She asked. A nod came from the hippogriff. Marcrya didn't smile. She got on the hippogriff and made it stand. "Zhuu, I thank you for your help. I apologize for being so demanding." She said. Zhuu sighed while the goat head just shook his head. "Goodbye, Marcrya." The tail-snake hissed as Zhuu went into the chimera territory. Marcrya made the hippogriff fly and went towards Dolq's cave. "Dolq?" She called. Arkrai was behind her. "Marcrya! Arkrai! What happened? Why are you covered in... griffin blood?" Dolq asked. "Stuff happened." Marcrya said in a stern voice. Dolq knew not to ask any further. Marcrya's eyes lost the shine of kindness it once had. Her dark emotion showed that she has been through much.

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