If I wasn't drunk, I'd probably kill myself of embarrassment, but my drunk ass was having the time of my life.

"Malia what the fuck?" I turn around to be faced with two look likes.

Ethan and Grayson.

Ethan stares at my bare chest with wide eyes, while Grayson squeezes his eyes shut as he shakes his head.

"Jesus Malia" Grayson says as he runs his hand through his hair.

"You're drunk Malia. I'm taking you home" Ethan tugs my top back down and the men that were in line cheering begin to 'boo' at Ethan.

"Don't worry guys! There's enough of me to go around!"

"Malia stop!" Ethan tries to stop me, but before I know it, I have already taken off my underwear and I'm swinging it around in the air.

I throw it up in the air, ignoring Ethan who was yelling at me to stop. The underwear lands in the line of men, they all shove and push eachother to get their hands on it until we hear someone yell 'I got it"

"Start the car Gray. I'll take her"

He places his arms around me, but before he can even pick me up, he's shoved by some random stranger.

"She's staying here"

I turn around to look for the girls, but they're no where to be seen. They probably went back inside the club.

"No she's not. She's mine and I'm taking her with me"

"Guys enough, I already said there's enough of me to go around" I giggle as I lean on the strangers shoulder.

"You see, she wants to stay here"

"Well too fucking bad because I'm taking her. I don't think you want to get arrested for having sexual relations with a 16 year old" Ethan steps up to the stranger and shoves him.

"She doesn't look 16, but anways, lets let the little lady chose who she wants to come with" Once the guy is done explaining, a smirk forms on Ethan's face and I raise a brow at him.

"Alright, who do you want to come with Malia?" I'm about to walk towards the guy, but Ethan puts his foot out infront of me, and I trip, falling into his arms.

"She's even falling for me" the smirk on Ethan's face grows even bigger and I feel my face heat up.

You smooth motherfucker

"Take her in the car Gray" Ethan doesn't keep his eyes off the guy, nor does he loosen his grip from me either.

Someone wraps their arms around my body and before I know it, I'm sweeped up off the ground and I'm in Grayson's arms. He places me in the back seat and he gets in the driver seat.

"Grayson let me out!" I'm about to open the door, but I hear a 'click' meaning he locked the door.

I look up to see Ethan fighting the guy and I scream. Grayson gets out of the car, taking the keys with him and heads towards the fight.

Grayson removes the guy off of Ethan and slams him into a wall. They both take turns punching him and I begin to feel blinded by the tears forming in my eyes.

"Stop it please!" I bang on the windows, but they don't stop. I close my eyes and lean my head against the window as the tears roll down my cheeks.

After what feels like 10 minutes, the car door opens and I see Grayson quickly getting in the driver seat, along with Ethan who slams the door to the back seat.

•Daddy Issues• Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now