Clearer Roads

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“I guess he must be really powerful…” I stared up at Izanagi’s golden eyes.

“Minato, that’s a near death trap. Are you sure that you want to fight him?” The white deity asked with a concerned tone.

“It’s not a want. It’s a need,” I replied, shaking my head. “So I can help a friend.” I added, with a down expression.

“Well… I can send you where you need to go. All you have to promise is that you come out of this alive.” The white deity near pleaded. Would he really miss me that much? I don’t even know him that well… Even if he does owe me his life.

“Ok. I am one stubborn bastard, so I doubt even he can kill me that easily.” I grinned to which Izanagi nodded. I think that if didn’t have his mask he would have a smile on his face. It was just by the way the eyes moved that told me that.

“Well then, just get yourself ready.” He spun his naginata before a blue and gold portal appeared, swirling in its various colours. I nodded to him and stepped through the door.

When I first stepped into the portal, it closed up immediately and it felt like… I was falling. It was either that, or the air around me was pushing upwards. I wonder where this leads… In a flash of bright light I felt solid ground beneath me again, and I took the opportunity to look around me.

It was mostly just pitch black, but white pinpricks of light from what looked like stars was enough to illuminate the area. The pressure that was pushing down on me was intense, and it reminded me somewhat of Richard’s killing intent. However… I knew that it couldn’t be it.

The killing intent that leaked out of that green eyed Universe wielder was filled to the brim with anger, fury and darkness. This force had none of that, but it still had the near suffocating pressure that his killing intent had. It was the kind of force that gave off the feeling of pure power, similar to Elizabeth or any of the other Velvet siblings.

“It has taken you a while, and the situation has become ever more desperate… but I’m glad you finally made it here.” It sounded just like Lycanos’ voice. In fact, it could only be his voice, since I felt no other presence that could ever be so similar to Richard’s SP signature.

“I know…” I smiled softly.

I opened my eyes to find the full glory of Lycanos standing just before me.

The upper half of his build was just like a normal human’s but his legs were more werewolf-like with paws for feet and it was all covered with black fur. He wore a light brown leather vest with creamy fur at the edges of its collar, and just under that, there was a brown leather strap accented with green hugging his torso. It kinda was like one of the set ups that Link had for his sword.

He wore ripped brown shorts, held up by a belt that had a silver medallion with a wolf head engraved on it. His forearms were armoured by leather straps, which held down some green cloth. Lycanos’ hands were clawed, and he even had ears atop his head and two tails to add to the wolf motif.

His eyes and hair were similar to Richard’s, minus the bangs, and he also had a metal head piece that covered the top half of his face, leaving only his mouth.  And of course, he had his scythe, which was the same as Richard’s.

“Well… should we get this started already?” Lycanos grinned, showing off his sharp teeth as he jumped back to create some distance.

“Hell…” I summoned my swords, revolvers and hat. Yeah, I’ve grown attached to that hat… “Yes.”

My sword was clashing against Lycanos’ scythe in an instant, probably as a result of effort from both of our sides. Orange sparks flew as sword and scythe collided against each other, and I could see Lycanos grinning behind the black blade of his weapon. “Make this interesting, won’t you?” He taunted.

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