When Rage Is Unleashed

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20/11/09 Morning

On this day, the male population of SEES was quiet. Very quiet. Very tense. That silence was just waiting to be broken in one fell swoop as Yukari, Mitsuru, Fuuka and Aigis came closer. “Hey you guys! Are you alright?” Yukari asked with a concerned tone.

Minato nodded as calmly as he could, trying not to let his real, storm of emotions show through his mask. He was doing a pretty good job of it too. Richard was facing away from her so that no-one could see the blush that was starting to spread when Mitsuru came closer.

Shinjiro and Akihiko were stiffly still, and were putting up some terrible grimaces that were doing no effort to help the situation in any way. Ryoji and Junpei looked pretty happy though. Perverts the two of them, I swear…

“Um… are you sure?” Fuuka asked.

“Yeah, we’re fine,” I answered with a small smile. “It’s just that we were caught up in something kinda scary so some of us are in a bad mood.” And that was the truth.

“I see Makoto-san,” Aigis nodded in understanding. “But pray tell… what were you doing?”

“Oh. We were telling each other some creepypasta stories… they were pretty frightening.” I waved off the question like it was nothing.

Yukari shivered, and ran over to Minato’s side, clutching his arm in a huge craze as she shivered like a child lost in the cold night. Well… I don’t know. I may be exaggerating. Fuuka had an uncertain expression on, while Mitsuru kept her usual neutral face up.

“You’re alright. The creepypastas I tell don’t really have any ghosts in them,” Minato comforted Yukari. “Besides, creepypastas aren’t real. The really good ones are just really realistic, and that’s why they’re scary.” The bluenette explained further.

“Oh, ok…” Yukari replied trying to calm herself down.

21/11/09 After School

“Yo.” A very familiar voice called out to me from behind.

I swung around to meet her gaze. No way…! “Yo.”

It was Ray. No wonder. That SP surge must have been her… But there was one thing that was different about her that just stood out to me. Her eyes weren’t green like they were in my world… They were a dark brown colour, a few shades lighter than her chocolate hair. I wonder why?

“Have we seen each other before?” I asked with a curious tone.

“Yeah… I heard you guys trying to get away from the other girls in the hot springs.” She explained with a giggle.

“Oh… What’s your name?” Just to go along with the flow.

“Ray. Ryouken Ray...” And her name’s different too…

Her mouth sank beneath the folds of her red scarf. It wasn’t scarlet like before, it wasn’t like it was blood stained. It was just a bright red, that kind of warm red… “Cool. I’m Yuki Makoto.” I introduced myself with a grin. “Other than what you just mentioned… was there any reason why you wanted to talk to me?”

“Well… I kinda wanted to join SEES since I have a Persona and all… two of them actually…” How did she even hear about this? I nodded slowly.

“Are you ok to come over to our dorm now?” She nodded with a small and wistful smile.

“Yeah… I only live in the girl’s dorms so yeah…” And… her personality is a lot different to her previous personality in my world. It’s like she’s a lot more reserved and shy. I have to admit, it’s actually kinda cute.

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