Our Questions Left Unanswered

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Sorry you guys I've been grounded for like a month so I'm just gonna upload what little I have and I'll be sure to write at least 3 chapters while I'm grounded so then all I have to do is type them


Another storm was brewing just as sad and seemingly crestfallen as the last.

Yet here I am and I cant help but see the beauty in all of it. Some where out there a child is screaming and locking them self in their bedroom or bathroom because the have astraphobia.

Now that I've though that fact I feel kind of sadistic.

Here I am sitting on my window seat all alone listening to every single noise this beautiful weather conjures up. I've never felt so... alone yet so fulfilled just sitting here looking at all the tiny drops coating everything in my yard and everyone else's under the forlorn clouds.

I thought of a question suddenly one that I always seem to think of in my state of peace.

Where did all of my happiness go?

How could it of just... left? Did it get lost in the negative activity that started happening around me? I needed happiness but it was just slowly drained out of me like water does in a funnel.

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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