Our Late Night Fun

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Okay so I was soo happy that my reads doubled plus some more that I decided I'd bless you all with writing the whole movie part but I wasn't going to just to make that clear I'M DOING THIS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL!! FEEL FREE TO RETURN THE LOVE WITH A COMMENT!!!

Ooh I'll make it even better comment your honest opinion on any chapter and I'll dedicate it to you (not that that's much but hey it's something) and upload the next chapter within the day and if the comment says you hate my book than please say why so I can go make it better! SO GO COMMENT!!!


 After Mary came into the pool room and told us that we should better start getting ready if we wanted to make it to the movies in time we all went to seperate bathrooms to take showers and fix our hair and all that stuff.

"Thanks for letting us swim and borrow your swim suits!" Em yelled before slamming the bathroom door in my face. Ugh well then.

I grabbed some clothes for myself and went to the guest bedroom's shower.

Once I got out after blow drying my hair and running a brush through it I met the rest of my friends downstairs and we all hopped into Daren's car to go to the movies.

"So what movie did you guys pick?" Daren asked Em and me.

"The Purge." I said while scrolling through the things people posted on Tumblr.

"Yes! We were afraid you'd pick a stupid movie!" Daren shouted then high-fived his steering wheel.

"Hey I'm insulted! You think that I'd watch a stupid movie?" Em asked them with a frown marring her face.

"Yes!" They both said at the same time before laughing and high-fiving eachother.

Em just crossed her arms over her chest and sulked and seeing her doing this made me burst into giggles which then caused them to look back here and laugh at her and her to glare at me. Woah can some body say chain reaction! 

That was the dorkiest thing I've ever said in my entire life. I shook my head at myself and focused back on the conversation at hand.

"Soo what games are we gonna play while we wait?" Aiden asked.

I tilted my head and scrunched my eyebrows together like Emery did earlier. "Games?" I asked unaware of what they were talking about.

"Yeah there's a small arcade in the movie theatre and this place was closer to your house then we thought." Daren explained while pointing to the movie theatre. Oh, I didn't know we were here already.

"Oh well I would say a game but I didn't even know there was an arcade." I muttered still looking at the movie theatre.

"We can play that dancing game Lil!" Em shouted.

"Ohh yeah I use to love that game your on Em!" I laughed and started jumping in my seat.

"Woah chill down there Lil your shaking the whole car!" Daren yelled while dramatically clutching onto his steering wheel and holding onto his door.

"Was that a fat joke I heard?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

He jaw dropped slightly. "Depends on how you look at it." He trailed off.

"Mhmm and what other way is there to take it." Em asked him.

He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before sighing and muttering an apology.

Em giggle and started poking Daren's neck, right below his ear, since he was driving and she sat right behind him.

"Em." Daren swatted at her hand.

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