"I don't get what's the big fuss is about, I mean, nothing happened."

A girl said to...

Ms. Anger.

"How come everyone keeps saying that sentence to me 'I don't get what's  the big fuss is about', are you guys stuck on replay or something."

"Alex I'm so glad you could make it to my class with Amber," Adam said.

Rolling her eyes Alex replied, "Would have been here soon, but, someone here decided to go screw with my emotions, and then drag me to a closet to explain why she did it."

"Would you just listen to me Alex, you're so dammed stubborn!"

"Oh shut the fuck up!" A pretty pissed off Alex yelled back.

"Girls! We're in a classroom, would you please sit down and watch your language... No, not near each other, Alex sat next to Skylar, Amber on the opposite side near Jason," Adam said as he pointed to their new assigned seat.

At the mention of my name, I raised my eyebrows and tried to plead with my eyes for Adam to reconsider what he just said. However, since Adam wasn't looking at me he didn't know I so desperately didn't want Alex anywhere near me.

Making their way to their seats, I decided to look out the window to avoid looking at Alex completely. Heaven knows I'll just stare at her.

"Are you Skylar?"

I turned my head slightly to the side and swallowed hard.

"Yeah," I said in a weak voice.

Smirking, she slowly sat down and held my stare causing me to shift my weight around in my seat.

"Don't worry, I don't bite, just punch."

"Good to know," I said, my eyes widening slightly.

"Oh great, she punches for fun," I thought to myself.

Smirk at me again, she then turned her attention back to Mr. Hoffman.

"Again, Amber McCain."


Curiosity getting the best of me, I leaned slightly forward on my desk to look at Amber. The only thing I could tell from where I was sitting was that she had reddish-brown hair with green eyes. I also noticed that she long legs that complimented her body well. Amber was wearing a gray sweater, a pair of short shorts, and black vans.

Looking around the room, I to see how the other students were reacting to her, I realized that everyone was doing what I was doing. They were checking her out. Almost all the boys AND girls near her were looking at her with what seemed like lust.

Leaning back into my seat, I ended up realizing that I knew I have heard the name Amber before. Chewing on the inside of my cheek again, I frowned as I tried to turned the gear in my mind. Just when I was about to give up, it hit me all at once. 

Natalie had mentioned the name Amber before. 

As Adam continued to call out attendance, I open my bookbag and fished out the paper Natalie gave me so I confirm what I already knew.  Making sure Alex didn't see it, I slightly turned my body away from her.

Looking at the list it wasn't hard to see that Amber was in fact one of the people Natalie wrote down since she was the first one on it. Looking at the sin she was branded as it came as no surprise that she was lust. 

Grabbing a pencil from my bag, I made a small checkmark on her name I as well as with Alex's. I also wrote down that I had social studies with them for an added bonus.

"Alexandra McCartney."

A low groan could be heard throughout the classroom causing a lot of people to become uncomfortable. It sounded rather weird coming from a person who's voice was so smooth but it was Alex we were talking about. It felt like nothing could be expected from her.

"Alexandra McCartney answer me."

"It's not Alexandra, it's just Alex," Alex said.

"Why you always seem extra pissy today, you should do something about that," Adam said with a chuckle.

"Whatever," Alex responded as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Letting out a sigh, I opened my notebook and started to scribble on a blank paper. Forgetting about the real world, I just wanted for this period to end quickly. So concentrated on my scribbles the noises around me faded until I heard my last name being called again.

"Miss Charms?"

Looking up, I realized everyone was staring at me including Alex, causing me to said the first thing on my mind.


Hearing a few chuckles, I frowned.


"Well, we're talking about which religion we follow and it's your turn to share if you want. No pressure if you don't want to disclose that information."

"Oh," I responded as I placed my pencil down.

"Well?" Adam said waiting patiently.

"Oh sorry, I don't believe in a God or the afterlife."

"So you're an Atheist?" He said with an emotionless expression while crossing his arms over his chest.

Scratching the back of my neck, I answered his question.

"Not exactly I mean if I had to label myself it'll be an Agnostic."

"The belief that nothing is known or can be known of the existence of a God. You claim neither faith nor disbelief in a God," Adam said while scratching his chin. He seemed to be thinking of something.

"Fascinating, one of many," Adam commented after a moment of silence.

"Yeah," I said, half smiling.

"Well then, shall we enter the world of religion and history?" Adam said with a clap of his hands.

After handing out textbooks and a list of materials, there was still about 20 minutes left for the first period.

"Since we have about 20 minutes left for the first period, I want to talk about a project you'll be doing with a partner that will be all year long. It'll be worth about 50 percent of your final grade, so, if you don't want to do it, it's fine by me, but you'll end up with an F in this class. Each month, you'll present your finding on your topic. Now since I've heard all your religions, I'll partner you up with a religion different from your so you'll learn something new. We'll also be learning about culture, governments, kingdoms, and how religion played a part in their history. So, let's start," Adam said.

Names after names were being called and I was praying I didn't get partnered up with Amber or that Alex.

"McCain with Martin," Adam called out.

Looking around to see who was Martin, I realized that it was the boy she had to sat next to, Jason.

Jason was definitely the jock type, blond hair, and blue eyes that held a ton of lust. Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Adam who was staring right at me.

"Ms. Charms being that you don't have a religion, partnering you up with someone who does, might not work, however, partnering you up with someone who knows multiple ones can serve a different purpose. They'll provide the religions and you can try to counter-argue what they say from a scientific perspective. You and your partner will be scaled on a different rule brick and will earn double points if done to my liking."

I practically drop my head on the desk at the thought of more work. For a moment I was considering lying and say I did in fact followed a religion. Hearing a few people laugh, I lifted my head and rubbed my forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll leave you in the hands of one of my best student."

I looked around the classroom to see who wasn't partner up yet, only to land on a pair of gorgeous purplish-blue eyes.

Opening my eyes widely, I turned my attention back to the teacher who was now smiling at me.

"Ms. Charms say hello to your new partner, Ms. McCartney."

The Seven Deadly Sins (girlxgirl)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα