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"And that was my summer." I said while closing my big black journal on the podium of my english class.

"Wow, Ms. McCane, I'm impressed. And that all just happened, a few weeks ago?" My english teacher, Mrs. Stickler, asked as I sat next to my boyfriend, Eli.

"Yep, I brought my jersey too." I said while holding up a yellow and black #12 Southeast jersey.

Don't worry, Mr. Williamson didn't want me to go empty handed after all I did this summer. He order another jersey, with #12 on it, so that Braden and I could each get one.

2 weeks after the Little League World Series ended, I had to go back to school. A few of my teammates transferred here, included others on different teams.

As for Alex, he decided it would be better if he stayed in South Carolina.

Some people have asked me if I regret, what I did. No matter what situations they give me, I always say no. Us people, only have so much time to do things. And we can't always live life so safe. We need to go for risks, and that's what I did.

It helped me in the long run, sports wise, and in real life.

I have a wonderful boyfriend, Eli Burwash, who was the Great Lakes shortstop, with my wonderful friend Syd and Emily. Ben Gottfried transferred to my school along with Ty Bryant and Carson Kelley.

A few others came too, but they aren't as important. Ben doesn't have a huge crush on me anymore, and is one of my best friends, along with Ty. Those 2 have a lot in common actually.

Alex always texts me here and there, and we have became better friends then boyfriend snd girlfriend, which is a good thing.

Oh and I forgot to mention, I have decided to stick with baseball now. And I think i'm going to try to pitch next season, ok maybe not that, but I will still catch.

I guess when you live in Williamsport, home of the greatest baseball in the world, your not going to have an average summer.


Ta da!!! That was the very end of Not Your Average Summer: Baseball Edition.

What did you guys think? Let me know if you have any questions, or comments, or thoughts in the comments.

And if any of u don't understand the ended, the whole story was Lexi's summer assignment for school. In the beginning of the story, she wrote in her journal, and kept it with her everywhere during the LLWS. She wrote everything about the LLWS in her journal, and the story was basically her, reading it to her English class.

I am so proud of how the story turned out! I now will be posting a lot of my Walker fanfiction "stand by me" if any of u want to go check it out.

Thank you for all the votes, and everything guys! Im so thankful for everything!

Love you all ((:

Not Your Average Summer: Baseball EditionWhere stories live. Discover now