Its all part of the plan

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I cannot believe I just agreed to catching Alex at one of the Southeast's biggest games of their lives.

By this time, it was noon. The boys,- I mean, we play at 7. Alex decided to have a team meeting with the boys and discuss the issue we were having. We all went to the cafeteria to talk about it. Alex texted all of them in the group chat that I was just added to.

(group chat)

edmo: hey guys, me and lexi need to talk to you guys about something. meet us at the cafeteria in 5 minutes.

ben: can we eat?? im starving.

terrence: agreed, you guys know a big boy like me needs his protein.

edmo: why do you idiots think we chose to have the meeting in the cafeteria!?

david: that makes sense now.

edmo: just hurry

Sometimes, I do worry about those boys.

"Hey Alex, I need to go run back and grab my lanyard, they won't let me in without it." I quickly told him. "I'll be back in 5 minutes.

I ran back to the dorm and saw my lanyard laying where I had left it. It was awfully chilly out there, so I decided to grab my LSU sweatshirt and put it on over my Southeast T-shirt. When I looked up, I felt a sudden bump to my forehead then collapsed onto the soft, leather, couch.

"Hey what was that f-."

It was Eli.

"Eli, I haven't seen you since the, um, you know." I felt like he had been avoiding me.

"Yeah, I thought I should give you time alone because of all the drama that you have been going through." He said shyly.

"Well, I respect that, but I missed you."

"I miss you too, Lex. Hey, how about you watch my game then right after we can watch the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Game?" Eli suggested.

At this point, I didn't know what to say. "Oh yeah sorry, I can't, I'm playing right after you, but you weren't supposed to know that." I can't just say that!!

"Um actually, I have to go home and go to my best friends' Bat Mitzvah. It ends around the time the Southeast Mid-Atlantic Game ends. Maybe we can hang out after?" I think that will fool him.

"Ok, sounds like a plan. Hope you have fun and take lots of pictures!" Eli cheered.

"I will! Good luck today! Hope you kick some Midwest booty!"

He gives me a peck on my cheek then walks up to his room to change.

12:10, shit.

I sprint back to the cafeteria in which was awfully crowded with fans. A couple of fans even tried stopping me for an autograph or picture.

I opened the doors and saw a sea of yellow and black over in the corner. Alex sees me and waves me over.

"Let me guess, you got stopped by fans?" Buff asked.

"Yep. I don't know what they would want my picture or autograph when I'm not even playing."

"Thats because your beautiful." Alex said while grabbing my hands.

"Ok, ok, enough cuteness. Why did you guys want to talk to us?" Gogo asked.

"Well, I was thinking, maybe Lexi should catch for us tonight." Alex proposed.

The boys were shocked. Their eyes filled with confusion. The only one who was fine with it was Gogo.

"Thank GOD!" Gogo screamed. "My fingers are all broken from catching for Alex yesterday. But how would this work?"

"Okay so, in the beginning, we will hid Lexi in the locker room shower. After the announcers announce Gogo's name, he tells Coach Tumblin that he needs to go to the bathroom. Then, when he goes into the locker room, he gives Lexi his uniform and she comes out with his uniform and gear on."

"I talked to the equipment manager and he said he could get me bigger pants because my legs are much longer and bigger cleats because my feet are bigger." I added.

"When the game is over, Lexi goes back to the bathroom, trades uniforms with Gogo again so he can say good game to all the players and coaches without it being suspicious. Got it?" Alex explained.

In all my defense, it was a good plan, Alex's team even knew it. All we had to do was keep Braden in the locker room the entire time. And I had to deepen up my voice and talk with a southern accent. Me and Gogo do look alike so that won't be a problem.

" I just need to run home and grab a sports bra, sliding pants and socks." I said.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, no offense Lex, but how do we know you can catch and throw down?" Ryan asked curiously.

"I'll show you."

Me and Alex walked to the practice field with the team following. I quickly slid on Braden's catching gear that I was wearing earlier and stood behind homeplate.

I gave Alex 3 fingers down which meant curveball and I caught it perfectly without any harm done. I did this with the rest of Alex's pitches and the guys gave Alex a thumbs up. They approved of my catching.

Then, they stuck me in the cages and had Alex pitch BP to me. I hit mostly all perfectly. They had never seen the girly girl play sports, so this was a good chance to show them that I'm not just some fashionista from South Williamsport.

"Told you guys she could do this." Alex hollered.

They then brought me back to the dorm and gave me Braden's uniform to try on. It fit perfectly. This was it. After tonight, my life would change forever. But only me, and my 14 other brothers would know.

hey guys sorry for a short chapter! i really wanted to update but I didnt want this chapter to be 30 pages long so ill update asap and i'll explain what happens and the game. love you all and hope your having a great winter break! :)

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