
My eyes widened.

"Who's Avery?" I whispered to her. "What's going on, Kori?"

"I'll explain everything later," she mumbled, "but as of right now, we need to get to the Bradbury Mall and stat."

She sped up and they continued speeding up as well. I began to get sick to my stomach. Not that I would throw up from the way the car was moving, but I was scared out of my mind.

I closed my eyes, taking calming breaths.

"Relax, everything's going to be alright," she told me but I knew even she didn't believe her own words. Her voice was shaking and I could tell she was trying not to cry. "Lucas, they're still following us."

"Faster! Go faster!"

She zoomed and I felt my body depress more into the seat. She took two sharp turns as I was looking back.

"We're losing him," I said. "Make another turn speed up."

She did just that.

"Serenity, are they still behind you guys?" I heard Lucas ask from the phone.

"No, I think we lost—"

Korina let out an ear piercing scream making me look. There they were, right in front of us.

"They're in front of us!" I screamed trying not to cry. "Reverse, reverse!"

She reversed quickly as Lucas was shouting into the phone. I couldn't speak, I felt myself in shock. What was going on? I was terrified, I started shaking.

She drove through the red lights. "I'm getting us to the mall." She swerved and weaved, trying not to hit any cars or pedestrians in the process. I was too scared to look back.

"We're almost there," she said to both Lucas and I. "I can see the mall in the distance."

I didn't even realize that I was gripping the seat so tightly.

"You have to leave your car at the mall, I'll pick it up in the morning, okay?"

She groaned but nodded, "Okay."

"In the morning? How will we get to school tomorrow?" I asked but they both ignored me.

"Look behind us, Serenity."

I turned back, looking slowly. My heart was pounding in my chest. I let a breath of relief out. "We lost them."

"Good." I heard Lucas let out a breath as well.

"Where in the parking lot?" I heard her ask him as we pulled in.

"Second floor, section B."

We drove up and I spotted the familiar boy with someone unknown and an unfamiliar car. It wasn't the one he drove me home in. Justin was leaned against the car, smoking a cigarette. Was this kid trying to kill himself?

When Korina parked, we both grabbed our bags and she put the phone to her ear.

"We're here and we're about to be on our way." She let out a breath. "See you soon."

When I left the car, I was face to face with Justin. He dropped the cigarette, crushing it with his Vans.

"It's you again," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Justin, man, leave the poor girl alone," the other guy said. He sent me a smile. "I'm Avery."

"It's nice to meet you and I'm—"

"Serenity, yeah I know." He sent Justin a look before climbing into the passengers seat.

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