Old Yet New Waters

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You're walking down the street. You feel your phone vibrate. You see Namjoon has texted you.

Come to the cafe. I have a surprise. 😘

You smile. He hasn't been this sweet since you two first met. You start sprinting to the cafe. The stop and remember you shouldn't do that. When you arrive you see big red heart balloons and Namjoon standing there with a small cake in the shape of a heart smiling. You feel a tear run down your face.

Namjoon's face falls " Jagi what's wrong?" he says putting the cake on the table and comes to you and puts his hands on your face.

"Oh nothing just happy" you say wiping the tears away.

"Okay" he says biting his bottom lip. You can tell he's deciding whether to kiss you or not. You hold your breath. You hope he doesn't, you're not ready to go back to him. You start breathing again when he pulls away.

"What took you so long jagi? Going seeing guys behind my back." he joked

You thought it was okay to joke so you did "Oh yeah you know it."

"Who are they?" Namjoon asked seriously.

"Namjoon. I thought we were passed this." you said sighing.

"Well obviously not, you're still seeing Jackson aren't you?" Namjoon said crossing his arms.

"If course not. You know I moved out. Do you not trust me?" you say crossing your arms as well.

"Well since you've been going around seeing other guys I guess I can't." Namjoon said.

"Wow I can't believe you." you say shaking your and walking away.

"Get back over here now! I'm still talking!" Namjoon yells pointing at the ground.

"Yell at me like that again and you'll never see this baby!" you tell back.

"Baby? What baby?." Namjoon said confused.

"Oh shit." you say. You run away. Hearing Namjoon tell your name.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum