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~Johnnie's p.o.v ~

We talked about each other for a while and I felt that feeling again. The feeling I had back in the hospital. His name flashed at me and I couldn't help but ask

"Are you the Kyle from the hospital a long time ago?"

His face lightened up, and mine did too. I jumped and tripped, and accidently fell on Kyle.

"I-i-im sorry" I apologized

My expression changed and I made our lips meet. I backed away and ran out of the apartment.

~Kyle's p.o.v ~

What just happened? I never knew he loved me.

I stared at the door for a long time until I heard sirens outside. I ran downstairs and out of the apartment. I followed the sirens and saw a big crowd when I turned the corner. I started to panic and rushed over to the crowd. I pushed through and saw them helping someone from stop bleeding so much.

I wasn't Johnnie. Thank goodness.

I looked above the crowd and saw Johnnie running into an alley. I ran after him and turned into the alley. I chased him until he stopped at the dead end of the alley. He turned around and saw me.
Tears were streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry!" I whined.

"It's alright. I love you." I spoke

"NO!" He snapped

I started to walk closer to him but he pulled out a gun and I stopped and put my hands in front of me gesturing to put the gun down.

"STOP! Don't come any closer! " He cried

"Noone has to get hurt." I tried to convince him

I walked closer and I was just a foot away when he pointed the gun to his head.

"I love you too Kyle..." he whispered

I jumped to hug him and put my head between the gun and his head while he pulled the trigger.

~Johnnie's p.o.v ~

OMG what did I do?

I thought fast and pointed the gun to my head again and pulled the trigger. This time nobody got in the way.

We are free now.


We are free.

Thank you.

I love you. . .


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